Monday, December 6, 2010

A real world event worth noting

After the game
The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A real world event worth noting

When the news world is wrapped around the Wikileaks axel and world events are at the forefront of our minds in our busy day to day schedules, I want to share with you a very sobering, yet heart-warming time I had this past week in Nicaragua. Our small church does a lot of mission work. One of the places where we do it is Nicaragua. We sponsor a Bible curriculum to teach, equip and send out pastors to start churches there. And we also support feeding programs, places of refuge for children, and schools. A little bit of money there goes a long way. Indeed, the government is, as I am often reminded, a democracy. But socialists are in charge of it. Fortunately, they encourage ministry, but sometimes they meddle in it.

Throughout the country there are billboards with the picture of "President" Daniel Ortega saying "Christiano, Socialista, Solidario." Ortega, who wants to be president for life, is very big on tying socialism with Christianity to get the predominantly Catholic population, even the protestant population, to vote for him. It is an attractive slogan for a campaign, but in reality socialism and Christianity are not a good mix. The real rubber meets the road when you have examples of ministry work that are hindered by the socialist government--especially when it involves the defenseless. For example, one such ministry started a few years ago in a small hut that was purchased with the help of our church.

This ministry serves throw away children. Throw away children are those who are in a household that does not want them for various reasons--they are another mouth to feed, a kid to clothe, a burden on the family. They are often abused in many ways. They are quite often kicked out of their homes and forced into the streets. A couple of them that I am aware of would sleep in trees at night. This particular ministry took them in. But enter the government, which said that the kids were not allowed to stay overnight in the loving hands of the ministry. They had to be sent home to their personal hell by the end of each day or the ministry would be shut down. The family doing the ministry had to comply.

Now the kids are there at the ministry all day--sometimes up to 75 of them. They get fed, clothed, loved and cared for, and then they are sent away and have to fend for themselves until the next day--government ordered. Nobody really knows why. But the local Nicaraguan family ministering to the kids is undeterred. They cheerfully do the best they can. James 1:27 says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." You can see the truth in this in the smiles of these kids when they receive hand me down clothes from America, or a small bowl of rice and chicken soup. This is a world event to them.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

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