Friday, February 4, 2011

Egyptian crossroads: prophetic decline of moral leadership yielding to rising Islam

After the game
The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Egyptian crossroads: prophetic decline of moral leadership yielding to rising Islam

The Islamic world is in an uproar. Journalists are trying to portray this as a region-wide revolution for the establishment of democracy in many of the currently oppressed nations. The people they interview are all talking about freedom and having their children live better lives than they. What they do not understand, and what the journalists also refuse to accept, that democracy under Sharia law is an oxymoron--it does not exist. The Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations are most likely leveraging their goals of establishing a radical Islamic rule on the backs of some very well intended people who will be used to foment disruption and crisis, then be enslaved once again to tyranny.

In the vacuum of leadership created by the crisis is the place where the more organized and cunning radicals can take control. This is what happened in Iran in 1978 and the people are still oppressed, even worse than they were under the grip of the Shah. But there is an even greater vacuum of leadership that will supersede the impact of the thousands of protesters in the streets--the lack of moral leadership by the United States. Global terrorism and instability began with Jimmy Carter and has experienced intermittent fits and starts since. Today, the world stands on the precipice of a surge in Islam and a decline of America--the ingredients needed to usher the world into the prophetic end times.

An article in the Israeli publication Haaretz by Ari Shavit is eerily prophetic. Shavit writes: "The West's position is not a moral one that reflects a real commitment to human rights. The West's position reflects the adoption of Jimmy Carter's worldview: kowtowing to benighted, strong tyrants while abandoning moderate, weak ones. Carter's betrayal of the Shah brought us the ayatollahs, and will soon bring us ayatollahs with nuclear arms. The consequences of the West's betrayal of Mubarak will be no less severe. It's not only a betrayal of a leader who was loyal to the West, served stability and encouraged moderation. It's a betrayal of every ally of the West in the Middle East and the developing world."

Shavit says, "The West has stopped being a leading and stabilizing force around the world. The Arab liberation revolution will fundamentally change the Middle East. The acceleration of the West's decline will change the world. One outcome will be a surge toward China, Russia and regional powers like Brazil, Turkey and Iran...When the United States and Europe bury Mubarak now, they are also burying the powers they once were." Shavit rightly discerns that the decline of America is precipitated by the moral character of our leaders. Proverbs 14:34 says, "Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." The prophetic consequences of our choices of leaders is soon to be revealed in a grand way.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

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