After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Ballot Box Failed: Revivalution Needed
Considering that this country was propelled into existence by a three cent tax on tea that sparked a revolution that changed the world, the current White House and the 111th Congress raised the national debt by $3.22 TRILLION--more than the first 100 Congresses did...combined. This added $10,429.64 in new debt for every man, woman and child counted in the 2010 Census. And now your share of the national debt totals $44,887. The previous Congress had raised the national debt more than any other congress before it, until this one. The two previous Congresses also set debt record levels--those were controlled by Republicans. The Democrats took over and showed them how to really amass debt.
While the president is enjoying a $1.47 million-plus Christmas vacation in Hawaii, the rest of the nation is faced with ten percent of its breadwinners out of jobs, home prices continuing to decline, and gas prices at the pump on the way to $4 a gallon. What is wrong with this picture? When the American people revolted at the ballot box in November to put a stop to this White House and Congress spending our nation into oblivion, the socialists in Congress came back after being voted out of office and enacted billions of dollars more in spending bills. The government "of the people, by the people and for the people" has become self serving and tyrannical.
The Founding Fathers believed that voting required responsible citizenship. In the beginning of this nation, only those who owned property were allowed to vote. Property owners, the Founding Fathers knew, would be active and responsible stakeholders in the policies of the nation--especially when it came to taxes and the ability to own property. This government, while saying out of one side of its mouth that it wants to protect property ownership, has presided over the worst home foreclosure spree in modern history. The government's Office of the Comptroller says that newly initiated home foreclosures jumped 31 percent over the previous quarter and were 10 percent higher than last year.
It seems that there is an attack on property ownership, more specifically business and home ownership, by this government. Socialists depend on those with no stake in property ownership to keep them in power by promises of government induced prosperity. This is bad for our nation. This cannot be righted until Americans decide to follow the Biblical principle of governance found in Exodus 18:21, "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens." Merely replacing politicians is just not enough. Revivalution is needed.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas in Memory
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas in memory
There are a lot of terrible things going on right now in the world. But we are coming upon a time of the year when we as Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We can choose to be impacted by the world around us in its dimly lit arena, or we can choose to let our light so shine. I choose the latter. I want to tell you a little about the Christmas' that I had growing up on our family farm in Ohio. I was blessed to be born into a horse and cattle farm that has been in our family for some 200 years. And Christmas, especially Christmas Eve, was a wonderful time for our family. December 24 was my Dad's birthday. And my Dad was well loved by his neighbors and friends, so we had a lot going on Christmas Eve.
I remember one special Christmas Eve. I must have been about four years old. The night was falling and the wind and snow were whipping across the barnyard, as we often were victims of the "lake effect" from Lake Erie in the southern most tip of the snow belt. The barn was cold when we turned on the lights and started climbing into the loft and throwing bales of hay down, putting the hay in the mangers, grain in the feed boxes and water in the buckets. Then the horses and cows were gathered in the barnyard, one by one we let them through the door and they automatically went to their stalls or stanchions. The barn warmed up and the animals contently eating was a comforting sound.
We had dinner and went to church. I remember my brother Chuck carried me out of church that night. He was 14 years older than me and we were so very close. He was asking me whether I thought Santa had made it to the farm yet. And I was worried that it was so early on Christmas Eve that he had not--for we celebrated our family Christmas on Christmas Eve with my Dad's birthday. Then he looked up at the moon and said, "See there...its Santa's sleigh and his reindeer. Don't you see them?" He was so convincing that I looked and looked, but couldn't find them. But Chuck insisted that he had seen Santa Clause. We got home and sure enough there were wonderful presents under the tree.
We had a great family time that year, opening presents and enjoying one another. And afterwards, neighbors and friends started dropping by to wish my Dad happy birthday. Their kids and me were playing with my new farm set, and there was a lot of laughter and fun. Chuck was killed by a drunk driver a few years later. Dad passed in 1989. But the spirit of those two wonderful men lives on here and especially in heaven, and I am reminded of them every Christmas Eve--in the best of times or worst of times, they were the best of men. We have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who is with us in all times. And no matter the condition of the world, we can draw comfort in His promise in Matthew 28:20, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." God Bless you and Merry Christmas.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas in memory
There are a lot of terrible things going on right now in the world. But we are coming upon a time of the year when we as Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We can choose to be impacted by the world around us in its dimly lit arena, or we can choose to let our light so shine. I choose the latter. I want to tell you a little about the Christmas' that I had growing up on our family farm in Ohio. I was blessed to be born into a horse and cattle farm that has been in our family for some 200 years. And Christmas, especially Christmas Eve, was a wonderful time for our family. December 24 was my Dad's birthday. And my Dad was well loved by his neighbors and friends, so we had a lot going on Christmas Eve.
I remember one special Christmas Eve. I must have been about four years old. The night was falling and the wind and snow were whipping across the barnyard, as we often were victims of the "lake effect" from Lake Erie in the southern most tip of the snow belt. The barn was cold when we turned on the lights and started climbing into the loft and throwing bales of hay down, putting the hay in the mangers, grain in the feed boxes and water in the buckets. Then the horses and cows were gathered in the barnyard, one by one we let them through the door and they automatically went to their stalls or stanchions. The barn warmed up and the animals contently eating was a comforting sound.
We had dinner and went to church. I remember my brother Chuck carried me out of church that night. He was 14 years older than me and we were so very close. He was asking me whether I thought Santa had made it to the farm yet. And I was worried that it was so early on Christmas Eve that he had not--for we celebrated our family Christmas on Christmas Eve with my Dad's birthday. Then he looked up at the moon and said, "See there...its Santa's sleigh and his reindeer. Don't you see them?" He was so convincing that I looked and looked, but couldn't find them. But Chuck insisted that he had seen Santa Clause. We got home and sure enough there were wonderful presents under the tree.
We had a great family time that year, opening presents and enjoying one another. And afterwards, neighbors and friends started dropping by to wish my Dad happy birthday. Their kids and me were playing with my new farm set, and there was a lot of laughter and fun. Chuck was killed by a drunk driver a few years later. Dad passed in 1989. But the spirit of those two wonderful men lives on here and especially in heaven, and I am reminded of them every Christmas Eve--in the best of times or worst of times, they were the best of men. We have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who is with us in all times. And no matter the condition of the world, we can draw comfort in His promise in Matthew 28:20, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." God Bless you and Merry Christmas.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Of Pride, Destruction and the lame ducks
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Of pride, destruction and the lame ducks
Its almost like one of those 1970s movies where everything is going bad and it ends with the destruction of all involved--you sit there and just wonder why you endured watching it to the end, trying to find the redemptive value in it. That's how many Americans feel after the current lame duck session of Congress. It was clear in the early hours of Wednesday, November 3 that America had totally rejected the agenda of the socialists in Congress and at the White House. But as we prepare for Christmas and want to focus on family, friends, and a celebration of Lord Jesus, the very scoundrels we voted out of office have come back and knifed us in the back with the full force of their agenda.
The national debt soared to record levels and every American citizen's share of it increased to nearly $45,000. How about finding that bill under the Christmas tree? While tax cuts were preserved, Congress and the White House busted the bank with unemployment payments. Now the military will be forced to allow homosexuals to serve openly. The president's remarks seemed very close to the account in the Bible of the father welcoming home the prodigal son. Homosexuals have been banned in the military since the time of George Washington. And for good reason. The Senate also ratified the new arms treaty with Russia, without strong verification capabilities and by reducing America's ability to defend herself.
Its almost like the president and his allies in Congress get up in the morning, look in the mirror, smile a dastardly smile and say to their selfs: "I'm going to help destroy America today." From tagging Christians as extremists, Muslims as peaceful to spending us into oblivion to placing us in vicarious debt with our enemy China to taking control of the internet to mandating abortion, opening the door for euthanasia and requiring us all to buy government run healthcare to letting homosexuals openly serve in the military to giving Russia a huge advantage over our national defense, it seems like the president and congress are trying to inflict massive destruction before our holy days.
And in parting, the president was "disappointed" that he and his lame ducks didn't get a bill passed to allow all the illegals amnesty before Christmas. The enemies of America have been well served in these days since the election. Up next, the president says is a "strong civil union" for homosexuals that affords them the same rights as married couples and opening the door to illegal immigration. Part of the problem with all this is that the entire Congress didn't care about what the people voted in November--socialism at its best--give them a vote, but do what you want. Proverbs 14:34 says "Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." We have a long way to go on the righteousness part.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Of pride, destruction and the lame ducks
Its almost like one of those 1970s movies where everything is going bad and it ends with the destruction of all involved--you sit there and just wonder why you endured watching it to the end, trying to find the redemptive value in it. That's how many Americans feel after the current lame duck session of Congress. It was clear in the early hours of Wednesday, November 3 that America had totally rejected the agenda of the socialists in Congress and at the White House. But as we prepare for Christmas and want to focus on family, friends, and a celebration of Lord Jesus, the very scoundrels we voted out of office have come back and knifed us in the back with the full force of their agenda.
The national debt soared to record levels and every American citizen's share of it increased to nearly $45,000. How about finding that bill under the Christmas tree? While tax cuts were preserved, Congress and the White House busted the bank with unemployment payments. Now the military will be forced to allow homosexuals to serve openly. The president's remarks seemed very close to the account in the Bible of the father welcoming home the prodigal son. Homosexuals have been banned in the military since the time of George Washington. And for good reason. The Senate also ratified the new arms treaty with Russia, without strong verification capabilities and by reducing America's ability to defend herself.
Its almost like the president and his allies in Congress get up in the morning, look in the mirror, smile a dastardly smile and say to their selfs: "I'm going to help destroy America today." From tagging Christians as extremists, Muslims as peaceful to spending us into oblivion to placing us in vicarious debt with our enemy China to taking control of the internet to mandating abortion, opening the door for euthanasia and requiring us all to buy government run healthcare to letting homosexuals openly serve in the military to giving Russia a huge advantage over our national defense, it seems like the president and congress are trying to inflict massive destruction before our holy days.
And in parting, the president was "disappointed" that he and his lame ducks didn't get a bill passed to allow all the illegals amnesty before Christmas. The enemies of America have been well served in these days since the election. Up next, the president says is a "strong civil union" for homosexuals that affords them the same rights as married couples and opening the door to illegal immigration. Part of the problem with all this is that the entire Congress didn't care about what the people voted in November--socialism at its best--give them a vote, but do what you want. Proverbs 14:34 says "Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." We have a long way to go on the righteousness part.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
World Health Organization unwittingly confirms Matthew 24 Prophecy
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
World Health Organization unwittingly confirms Matthew 24 prophecy
According to the World Health Organization, natural disasters made 2010 the deadliest and most costly year in the past 40 years. Over 250,000 people died as a result of earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards and landslides. The financial cost was in excess of $222 billion. Now scientists are trying to make the case that global warming and pollution are causing these disasters and the impact is twice as bad as terrorism, which has cost--according to the US State Department, only 115,000 lives in the past 40 years. See where this is headed--that it is more important to crack down on those contributing to large carbon footprints than it is to worry about Islamic terrorists.
One scientist at the University of Colorado told AP, "It's a form of suicide, isn't it?" Debarati Guha Sapir, director for the World Health Organization's Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters said, "It's almost as if the policies, the government policies and development policies, are helping the Earth strike back instead of protecting from it. We've created conditions where the slightest thing the Earth does is really going to have a disproportionate impact." Despite so-called global warming "science" being proven as nothing more than political activists fraudulently falsifying data to prove their case, educated people are still trying to say that big business and the workforce are worse than terrorists.
In 2005, I researched what appeared to be increasing disasters around the world. Here is what I found: From 1990 to 2003, earthquakes increased 88.8%; deaths from disasters increased from 53,000 in 1990 to 83,000 in 2003; in the 100 years from 1800-1899, there were 80 million deaths due to 105 wars and tyrannies; from 1900 to 1999 there were 180 million deaths attributed to 165 wars and tyrannies; over 100 million of those deaths were due to communism. War, disease, famine and natural disasters have resulted in the deaths of less than 500 million people over the past 200 years. Yet abortion has claimed the lives of some 700 million unborn children worldwide in the past 100 years.
Wars, famine from wars, tyranny, terrorism, and abortion have claimed far more lives than earthquakes and natural disasters, although it is true that natural disasters are increasing in frequency. And we should not be alarmed. Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." The prophecy concerning the beginning of sorrows is in play today. We are not going to stop it, but we can determine our place in it.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
World Health Organization unwittingly confirms Matthew 24 prophecy
According to the World Health Organization, natural disasters made 2010 the deadliest and most costly year in the past 40 years. Over 250,000 people died as a result of earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards and landslides. The financial cost was in excess of $222 billion. Now scientists are trying to make the case that global warming and pollution are causing these disasters and the impact is twice as bad as terrorism, which has cost--according to the US State Department, only 115,000 lives in the past 40 years. See where this is headed--that it is more important to crack down on those contributing to large carbon footprints than it is to worry about Islamic terrorists.
One scientist at the University of Colorado told AP, "It's a form of suicide, isn't it?" Debarati Guha Sapir, director for the World Health Organization's Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters said, "It's almost as if the policies, the government policies and development policies, are helping the Earth strike back instead of protecting from it. We've created conditions where the slightest thing the Earth does is really going to have a disproportionate impact." Despite so-called global warming "science" being proven as nothing more than political activists fraudulently falsifying data to prove their case, educated people are still trying to say that big business and the workforce are worse than terrorists.
In 2005, I researched what appeared to be increasing disasters around the world. Here is what I found: From 1990 to 2003, earthquakes increased 88.8%; deaths from disasters increased from 53,000 in 1990 to 83,000 in 2003; in the 100 years from 1800-1899, there were 80 million deaths due to 105 wars and tyrannies; from 1900 to 1999 there were 180 million deaths attributed to 165 wars and tyrannies; over 100 million of those deaths were due to communism. War, disease, famine and natural disasters have resulted in the deaths of less than 500 million people over the past 200 years. Yet abortion has claimed the lives of some 700 million unborn children worldwide in the past 100 years.
Wars, famine from wars, tyranny, terrorism, and abortion have claimed far more lives than earthquakes and natural disasters, although it is true that natural disasters are increasing in frequency. And we should not be alarmed. Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." The prophecy concerning the beginning of sorrows is in play today. We are not going to stop it, but we can determine our place in it.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christianity -The new Pornography of the Internet
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christianity--the new pornography of the internet
They are calling it some fancy, freedom sounding name--net neutrality. But what the White House is doing is getting its hooks into the information superhighway in a way that may well impact free speech, especially free speech that disagrees with the leftist agenda. Republican FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell says, "We will witness jaw-dropping interventionist chutzpah as the FCC bypasses branches of our government in the dogged pursuit of needless and harmful regulation. The darkest day of the year may end up marking the beginning of a long winter's night for Internet freedom." The Federal Communications Commission is a regulatory body now consisting of three Democrats and two Republicans.
They use words like "treating all online traffic equally" and "open internet", but don't believe it. The government intends to regulate the content on the internet by regulating the companies that provide the bandwith that allows the information flow. It starts with calls for regulating child pornography. In Britain, for example, the government is calling for internet providers to block sites that may be harmful to children. There is no doubt that child pornography is harmful to children and to those who look at it. In fact, all pornography is harmful and should not be protected as free speech or free expression. It is demeaning to those who participate and to those who consume. Pornography should be banned. But regulating the internet is not the answer.
The internet got its origins as a US Defense Department experiment to be able to share information even in the event of a disaster. In the 1990's, I was part of a group of entrepreneurs who worked to commercialize the internet by bringing it to the general public. The concept was a "people's" network, free from regulation holding to the principle of free speech. Right away there were pornographers setting up shop. And it invaded all homes, drawing attention to the need for responsible use by families. Now the internet has grown to a vital information exchange, free speech, and business and economic staple in the lives of all peoples. And now governments from around the world fear the power of people communicating.
So its not about protecting children from pornography. If the government wanted to do that, it would have banned pornography as offensive content on the internet. This government intervention is headed toward what Venezuela's Hugo Chevez is doing--banning messages and content that "disrespect public authorities," "incite or promote hatred," or are aimed at creating "anxiety." This is bureaucratese for stopping free speech, and especially religious free speech. Even in America, Christian principles are considered by many as worse than pornography. Net neutrality aims to someday regulate Christianity as the offensive pornography. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christianity--the new pornography of the internet
They are calling it some fancy, freedom sounding name--net neutrality. But what the White House is doing is getting its hooks into the information superhighway in a way that may well impact free speech, especially free speech that disagrees with the leftist agenda. Republican FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell says, "We will witness jaw-dropping interventionist chutzpah as the FCC bypasses branches of our government in the dogged pursuit of needless and harmful regulation. The darkest day of the year may end up marking the beginning of a long winter's night for Internet freedom." The Federal Communications Commission is a regulatory body now consisting of three Democrats and two Republicans.
They use words like "treating all online traffic equally" and "open internet", but don't believe it. The government intends to regulate the content on the internet by regulating the companies that provide the bandwith that allows the information flow. It starts with calls for regulating child pornography. In Britain, for example, the government is calling for internet providers to block sites that may be harmful to children. There is no doubt that child pornography is harmful to children and to those who look at it. In fact, all pornography is harmful and should not be protected as free speech or free expression. It is demeaning to those who participate and to those who consume. Pornography should be banned. But regulating the internet is not the answer.
The internet got its origins as a US Defense Department experiment to be able to share information even in the event of a disaster. In the 1990's, I was part of a group of entrepreneurs who worked to commercialize the internet by bringing it to the general public. The concept was a "people's" network, free from regulation holding to the principle of free speech. Right away there were pornographers setting up shop. And it invaded all homes, drawing attention to the need for responsible use by families. Now the internet has grown to a vital information exchange, free speech, and business and economic staple in the lives of all peoples. And now governments from around the world fear the power of people communicating.
So its not about protecting children from pornography. If the government wanted to do that, it would have banned pornography as offensive content on the internet. This government intervention is headed toward what Venezuela's Hugo Chevez is doing--banning messages and content that "disrespect public authorities," "incite or promote hatred," or are aimed at creating "anxiety." This is bureaucratese for stopping free speech, and especially religious free speech. Even in America, Christian principles are considered by many as worse than pornography. Net neutrality aims to someday regulate Christianity as the offensive pornography. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, December 20, 2010
Where is the Birth Certificate?
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Where is the Birth Certificate?
There is a lot of discussions about whether the man who occupies the Oval Office is a natural born citizen. His birth certificate, if it exists, is so highly protected that even WikiLeaks has not found it. A battery of his lawyers also have been very successful at fending off challenges to his eligibility through the court systems. To qualify for president one must meet the standards in Article II, Section I of the Constitution saying, "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." There is still no verifiable proof by the president, although he has publicized a certificate of live birth--not a birth certificate.
The kids on my football team have to show us a verified copy of their birth certificate in order to prove their age eligibility to play. No one seems to mind. Its amazing that such a simple thing has already cost over a million dollars by a man who does not want to show his birth certificate. But even worse, there are those who think that just by raising the subject demonstrates disrespect to the office. They say it is unthinkable to believe that a man who is elected president may not be eligible to serve because of such a small thing as a birth certificate. Yet many of these very same people would be the first to deny the authenticity of another historical figure because there is no birth certificate.
The same, however, would say that Jesus Christ is not the Messiah. No proof, no birth certificate. They also would deny well over 350 Biblical prophecies that foretold Jesus Christ. They deny that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God, yet they are often found quoting scripture to make themselves look wise in the sight of others. They would count as superstitious the account of Herod in Matthew 2:4, 5, "And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea." Herod murdered all the males under two years old in and around Bethlehem--just a story they would say.
What makes the world fighting mad if someone questions the eligibility of a president who refuses to show his birth certificate, but denies the very existence of Jesus Christ as savior of the world? 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 says, "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." Indeed, the truth is hid by satan. Verse 6 says, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." So let us shine that the truth of the gospel is known.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, December 20, 2010
Where is the Birth Certificate?
There is a lot of discussions about whether the man who occupies the Oval Office is a natural born citizen. His birth certificate, if it exists, is so highly protected that even WikiLeaks has not found it. A battery of his lawyers also have been very successful at fending off challenges to his eligibility through the court systems. To qualify for president one must meet the standards in Article II, Section I of the Constitution saying, "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." There is still no verifiable proof by the president, although he has publicized a certificate of live birth--not a birth certificate.
The kids on my football team have to show us a verified copy of their birth certificate in order to prove their age eligibility to play. No one seems to mind. Its amazing that such a simple thing has already cost over a million dollars by a man who does not want to show his birth certificate. But even worse, there are those who think that just by raising the subject demonstrates disrespect to the office. They say it is unthinkable to believe that a man who is elected president may not be eligible to serve because of such a small thing as a birth certificate. Yet many of these very same people would be the first to deny the authenticity of another historical figure because there is no birth certificate.
The same, however, would say that Jesus Christ is not the Messiah. No proof, no birth certificate. They also would deny well over 350 Biblical prophecies that foretold Jesus Christ. They deny that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God, yet they are often found quoting scripture to make themselves look wise in the sight of others. They would count as superstitious the account of Herod in Matthew 2:4, 5, "And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea." Herod murdered all the males under two years old in and around Bethlehem--just a story they would say.
What makes the world fighting mad if someone questions the eligibility of a president who refuses to show his birth certificate, but denies the very existence of Jesus Christ as savior of the world? 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 says, "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." Indeed, the truth is hid by satan. Verse 6 says, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." So let us shine that the truth of the gospel is known.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Friday, December 17, 2010
Of Persecution, Politics, Islam, Communists and the Pope
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 17, 2010
Of Persecution, Politics, Islam, Communists and the Pope
If you are in a good mood and just out mowing your yard, don't yodel. Don't yodel, especially if your neighbors are Islamists and they are having a prayer meeting. It could land you in jail or cause you to have to pay a fine. According to the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, a 63 year old Austrian man has been fined over a thousand dollars for offending his Islamist neighbors by yodeling while they were praying. They filed charges because they thought the man was mocking the Islamic call to prayer. But the man, who is being called Helmut G by the media says, "It was not my intention to imitate or insult them. I simply started to yodel a few tunes because I was in such a good mood."
A YouTube video of New Hampshire Republican State Representative David Bates addressing the New England Solemn Assembly in Plymouth, Massachusetts outraged the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Press secretary for the New Hampshire Democratic Party Harrell Kirstein, attacked Bates: "Why does House Republican leadership appear so intent on forcing their Bible Belt social agenda upon the people of New Hampshire?...The proposals Rep. Bates and his extremist allies in the House have proposed are out of touch with New Hampshire values." Bates paraphrased 2 Chronicles 7:14 in saying that the only hope for America was to turn from "our wicked ways and ask God to heal our land."
Roman Catholic Church Pontiff Pope Benedict XVI recently released his remarks for the World Day of Peace held January 1, 2011. The Pope's theme is "Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace." In it, Pope Benedict cited the attack on Christians in Iraq, singling out the October 31 massacre of 52 Catholics during mass. He said, "At present, Christians are the religious group which suffers most from persecution on account of its faith . . . this situation is unacceptable since it represents an insult to God and to human dignity." He ended his messages by saying that the world needs God and the universal spiritual values that religion offers for building a just and peaceful social order. Worthy intent and good sounding words, but off a bit.
So called universal spiritual values is what gets us as humans in trouble--they are relative to whatever spirit is followed. What the world really needs is Jesus Christ and a true conversion of the heart to love one another and to keep the commandments of Jesus as guided by the Holy Spirit. It is Muslims and Communists that are leading the persecution of Christians--and that includes the ones in New Hampshire and the ones in Austria. State Rep Bates is right--we do need to have a 2 Chronicles 7:14 movement in our nation: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 17, 2010
Of Persecution, Politics, Islam, Communists and the Pope
If you are in a good mood and just out mowing your yard, don't yodel. Don't yodel, especially if your neighbors are Islamists and they are having a prayer meeting. It could land you in jail or cause you to have to pay a fine. According to the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, a 63 year old Austrian man has been fined over a thousand dollars for offending his Islamist neighbors by yodeling while they were praying. They filed charges because they thought the man was mocking the Islamic call to prayer. But the man, who is being called Helmut G by the media says, "It was not my intention to imitate or insult them. I simply started to yodel a few tunes because I was in such a good mood."
A YouTube video of New Hampshire Republican State Representative David Bates addressing the New England Solemn Assembly in Plymouth, Massachusetts outraged the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Press secretary for the New Hampshire Democratic Party Harrell Kirstein, attacked Bates: "Why does House Republican leadership appear so intent on forcing their Bible Belt social agenda upon the people of New Hampshire?...The proposals Rep. Bates and his extremist allies in the House have proposed are out of touch with New Hampshire values." Bates paraphrased 2 Chronicles 7:14 in saying that the only hope for America was to turn from "our wicked ways and ask God to heal our land."
Roman Catholic Church Pontiff Pope Benedict XVI recently released his remarks for the World Day of Peace held January 1, 2011. The Pope's theme is "Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace." In it, Pope Benedict cited the attack on Christians in Iraq, singling out the October 31 massacre of 52 Catholics during mass. He said, "At present, Christians are the religious group which suffers most from persecution on account of its faith . . . this situation is unacceptable since it represents an insult to God and to human dignity." He ended his messages by saying that the world needs God and the universal spiritual values that religion offers for building a just and peaceful social order. Worthy intent and good sounding words, but off a bit.
So called universal spiritual values is what gets us as humans in trouble--they are relative to whatever spirit is followed. What the world really needs is Jesus Christ and a true conversion of the heart to love one another and to keep the commandments of Jesus as guided by the Holy Spirit. It is Muslims and Communists that are leading the persecution of Christians--and that includes the ones in New Hampshire and the ones in Austria. State Rep Bates is right--we do need to have a 2 Chronicles 7:14 movement in our nation: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Judges Ruling Reveals The Trojan Horse of Tyranny
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Judges Ruling Reveals The Trojan Horse of Tyranny
Congressional approval of nationalized health care is the "Trojan Horse" of tyranny in a carefully orchestrated scheme to secretly "legalize" socialism. From the time reporters were questioning Congressional leaders about the Constitutionality and contents of socialized health care until the current decision by a District Court judge, the plan of bringing about a legalized police state has been carried out without hardly a whimper of resistance from elected officials. The government has taken control of the housing, auto and financial industries through bailouts and equity positions, but there is much more coming--and its found in the legality of socialized health care.
Connecting the dots between a 2,700-plus page health care bill and the other actions by the government provides undeniable evidence that the White House and certain members of Congress were complicit in the artful craft of deception and malfeasance in violating both the intent and the spirit of the Constitution and the best interests of every American citizen. On March 9, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke about the health care bill at the National Association of Counties, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." She said it was about America's future, nutrition and diet.
The president's wife December 14th attended the signing into law of the $4.5 billion "Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act." She said the nation has a responsibility to make sure America's children receive the right nutrition. "We can't just leave it up to the parents," she says. Indeed the government is not leaving any foodstuffs up to private citizens. Congress has passed legislation that puts the federal government in control of the nation's food supply. This IRS of farming, soon to be signed into law, establishes a "Surveillance System" that can spy on farmers, provides government authority to collect fees and mandates reports from those growing food, even in their own back yards. The health care bill, however, is the enabler.
In ruling the health care law unconstitutional, District Court Judge Henry Hudson revealed a more sinister motive. He said, "This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation and is unsupported by Commerce Clause jurisprudence." He said the government's assumption of powers "could apply to transportation, housing, or nutritional decisions," and that "The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers." 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour." Our nation is in satan's snare save the vigilant stand in the gap.
Read the decision:
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Judges Ruling Reveals The Trojan Horse of Tyranny
Congressional approval of nationalized health care is the "Trojan Horse" of tyranny in a carefully orchestrated scheme to secretly "legalize" socialism. From the time reporters were questioning Congressional leaders about the Constitutionality and contents of socialized health care until the current decision by a District Court judge, the plan of bringing about a legalized police state has been carried out without hardly a whimper of resistance from elected officials. The government has taken control of the housing, auto and financial industries through bailouts and equity positions, but there is much more coming--and its found in the legality of socialized health care.
Connecting the dots between a 2,700-plus page health care bill and the other actions by the government provides undeniable evidence that the White House and certain members of Congress were complicit in the artful craft of deception and malfeasance in violating both the intent and the spirit of the Constitution and the best interests of every American citizen. On March 9, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke about the health care bill at the National Association of Counties, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." She said it was about America's future, nutrition and diet.
The president's wife December 14th attended the signing into law of the $4.5 billion "Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act." She said the nation has a responsibility to make sure America's children receive the right nutrition. "We can't just leave it up to the parents," she says. Indeed the government is not leaving any foodstuffs up to private citizens. Congress has passed legislation that puts the federal government in control of the nation's food supply. This IRS of farming, soon to be signed into law, establishes a "Surveillance System" that can spy on farmers, provides government authority to collect fees and mandates reports from those growing food, even in their own back yards. The health care bill, however, is the enabler.
In ruling the health care law unconstitutional, District Court Judge Henry Hudson revealed a more sinister motive. He said, "This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation and is unsupported by Commerce Clause jurisprudence." He said the government's assumption of powers "could apply to transportation, housing, or nutritional decisions," and that "The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers." 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour." Our nation is in satan's snare save the vigilant stand in the gap.
Read the decision:
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Judge: Mandatory Health Care Unconstitutional; Attempt for Unbridled Police State
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Judge: Mandatory Health Care Unconstitutional; Attempt for Unbridled Police State
Against the backdrop of of an ABC News/Washington Post poll saying that 52%, a firm 37% strongly, of Americans are oppose the new socialist health care law, US District Judge Henry Hudson ruled that the central provisions of the law are unconstitutional. At the core of Hudson's ruling is a violation of the Constitution's commerce clause--that Congress does not have the power to regulate and tax a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce. Hudson wrote, "Despite the laudable intentions of Congress in enacting a comprehensive and transformative health care regime, the legislative process must still operate within constitutional bounds."
Judge Hudson, however, said in his ruling, "Importantly, it is not the effect on individuals that is presently at issue--it is the authority of Congress to compel anyone to purchase health insurance." But under the Commerce Clause, Judge Hudson said, "First, to survive a constitutional challenge the subject matter must be economic in nature and affect interstate commerce, and second, it must involve activity." The Judge found that electing not to purchase health insurance was not an economic activity. The authority of Congress, therefore, to levy penalties on those not buying health insurance was an unconstitutional application of the enumerated powers of Congress.
Judge Hudson's decision also revealed a possibly more sinister motive for passing socialized medicine--setting the precedence under the Commerce Clause to nationalize other essential underpinnings of the economy and the welfare of citizens by expanding Congressional authority. The judge rightly discerned that the Administration's broad definition of economic activity subject to congressional regulation as reasoning for enacting socialized health care "could apply to transportation, housing, or nutritional decisions." He wrote, "This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation and is unsupported by Commerce Clause jurisprudence."
He further said, "The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers." The Administration also argued that health care was funded by either a tax--something the president promised would never happen--or a penalty depending on which word would make the health care mandate constitutional. The court ruled that such a tax was unconstitutional--either as a tax or a penalty. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." There are many deceptions in this health care law.
Read the decision:
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Judge: Mandatory Health Care Unconstitutional; Attempt for Unbridled Police State
Against the backdrop of of an ABC News/Washington Post poll saying that 52%, a firm 37% strongly, of Americans are oppose the new socialist health care law, US District Judge Henry Hudson ruled that the central provisions of the law are unconstitutional. At the core of Hudson's ruling is a violation of the Constitution's commerce clause--that Congress does not have the power to regulate and tax a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce. Hudson wrote, "Despite the laudable intentions of Congress in enacting a comprehensive and transformative health care regime, the legislative process must still operate within constitutional bounds."
Judge Hudson, however, said in his ruling, "Importantly, it is not the effect on individuals that is presently at issue--it is the authority of Congress to compel anyone to purchase health insurance." But under the Commerce Clause, Judge Hudson said, "First, to survive a constitutional challenge the subject matter must be economic in nature and affect interstate commerce, and second, it must involve activity." The Judge found that electing not to purchase health insurance was not an economic activity. The authority of Congress, therefore, to levy penalties on those not buying health insurance was an unconstitutional application of the enumerated powers of Congress.
Judge Hudson's decision also revealed a possibly more sinister motive for passing socialized medicine--setting the precedence under the Commerce Clause to nationalize other essential underpinnings of the economy and the welfare of citizens by expanding Congressional authority. The judge rightly discerned that the Administration's broad definition of economic activity subject to congressional regulation as reasoning for enacting socialized health care "could apply to transportation, housing, or nutritional decisions." He wrote, "This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation and is unsupported by Commerce Clause jurisprudence."
He further said, "The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers." The Administration also argued that health care was funded by either a tax--something the president promised would never happen--or a penalty depending on which word would make the health care mandate constitutional. The court ruled that such a tax was unconstitutional--either as a tax or a penalty. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." There are many deceptions in this health care law.
Read the decision:
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, December 13, 2010
Revelation Prophecy of Food Control Established By US Congress
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Revelation Prophecy of Food Control Established By US Congress
On December 8, the House of Representatives passed the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act which is the vehicle for Fiscal Year 2011 continuing appropriations and food safety legislation. This legislation puts the federal government and the World Trade Organization in control the nation's food supply from growing your own food to selling or trading it among neighbors or friends to roadside stands to large processing plants that import or export food. This bill establishes a "Surveillance System" that can spy on farmers, gives the government authority to collect fees and requires reports from those growing food. This is essentially a food IRS putting the government between citizens and their ability to survive.
Sold as a mandate to protect the food supply from contamination, the bill contains in it the language which passed the Senate on November 30 by a 73-25 margin. It will be sent back to the Senate for approval because all appropriations bills must originate in the House. This is a lame duck tyrannical power grab by the very people Americans voted out of office on November 2. These people at the very least should be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors and tried for their insidious attempt to exercise federal and international control over the food supply of this nation. It is written as a measure of protection for the people, but language is open to absolute federal and international authority over the food supply.
Many wonder how Americans could be forced to take the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-17, which says of the antichrist: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This legislation sets the stage for the Revelation prophecy to be carried out legally in the United States. There will now be a system established that could incentivize turning in you neighbor for growing food, allows international authority over your land, and provides a fee system that can increase food costs at will.
Revelation 14:9-11 says, "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb." No matter how hungry you are remember the promise of Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:31 and 33, "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink?, or wherewithal shall we be clothed?...But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Some Sources:|/home/LegislativeData.php --HR 3082 --World Trade Organization language --Surveillance --Collection of fees
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Revelation Prophecy of Food Control Established By US Congress
On December 8, the House of Representatives passed the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act which is the vehicle for Fiscal Year 2011 continuing appropriations and food safety legislation. This legislation puts the federal government and the World Trade Organization in control the nation's food supply from growing your own food to selling or trading it among neighbors or friends to roadside stands to large processing plants that import or export food. This bill establishes a "Surveillance System" that can spy on farmers, gives the government authority to collect fees and requires reports from those growing food. This is essentially a food IRS putting the government between citizens and their ability to survive.
Sold as a mandate to protect the food supply from contamination, the bill contains in it the language which passed the Senate on November 30 by a 73-25 margin. It will be sent back to the Senate for approval because all appropriations bills must originate in the House. This is a lame duck tyrannical power grab by the very people Americans voted out of office on November 2. These people at the very least should be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors and tried for their insidious attempt to exercise federal and international control over the food supply of this nation. It is written as a measure of protection for the people, but language is open to absolute federal and international authority over the food supply.
Many wonder how Americans could be forced to take the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-17, which says of the antichrist: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This legislation sets the stage for the Revelation prophecy to be carried out legally in the United States. There will now be a system established that could incentivize turning in you neighbor for growing food, allows international authority over your land, and provides a fee system that can increase food costs at will.
Revelation 14:9-11 says, "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb." No matter how hungry you are remember the promise of Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:31 and 33, "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink?, or wherewithal shall we be clothed?...But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Some Sources:|/home/LegislativeData.php --HR 3082 --World Trade Organization language --Surveillance --Collection of fees
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fraternal affection vs divisive enemies--Today's political landscape
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fraternal affection vs divisive enemies--Today's political landscape
Quote one: "I've said before that I felt that the middle-class tax cuts were being held hostage to the high-end tax cuts. I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage-takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. Then people will question the wisdom of that strategy. In this case, the hostage was the American people and I was not willing to see them get harmed." Quote two: "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,' if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2."
Hostage takers...punish our enemies...these are quotes from the same man that promised to unify America. But moreover, he promised to remake America. In a sense, to remake something, it must be torn down or torn apart first. It cannot be brought together before the pieces are apart. These are quotes where those who are fighting to keep the government from raising taxes are compared to hostage takers. In modern times, hostage takers are akin to terrorists. Therefore, those who are against tax increases are being insinuated as terrorists. Indeed, those who do not agree with securing the borders and illegal immigration are referred to enemies that should be punished on election day.
These are the quotes of the man who currently holds the office of president of the United States. The president is supposed to represent all American citizens and lead impartially with dignity and respect for all Americans. Yet political opponents are referred to as enemies and hostage takers. In April 2009, his administration released a report by the Department of Homeland Security that characterized as right wing extremists and possible terrorists those who are Christian, returning US soldiers, political supporters of movements like the TEA Party, and supporters of states rights. Remaking America obviously does not necessarily include those who have differing viewpoints. America's political leadership is divisive.
President George Washington understood the pitfalls of putting party ideals ahead of the citizens. In his 1796 farewell address he said the spirit of "party" was divisive and undermines liberty. He said, "You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection." It is when we abandon these affections for one another that lawlessness prevails. It starts among us Christians--Jesus said in John 13:34, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." Let us unite again as a nation under the Love of Christ.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fraternal affection vs divisive enemies--Today's political landscape
Quote one: "I've said before that I felt that the middle-class tax cuts were being held hostage to the high-end tax cuts. I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage-takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. Then people will question the wisdom of that strategy. In this case, the hostage was the American people and I was not willing to see them get harmed." Quote two: "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,' if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2."
Hostage takers...punish our enemies...these are quotes from the same man that promised to unify America. But moreover, he promised to remake America. In a sense, to remake something, it must be torn down or torn apart first. It cannot be brought together before the pieces are apart. These are quotes where those who are fighting to keep the government from raising taxes are compared to hostage takers. In modern times, hostage takers are akin to terrorists. Therefore, those who are against tax increases are being insinuated as terrorists. Indeed, those who do not agree with securing the borders and illegal immigration are referred to enemies that should be punished on election day.
These are the quotes of the man who currently holds the office of president of the United States. The president is supposed to represent all American citizens and lead impartially with dignity and respect for all Americans. Yet political opponents are referred to as enemies and hostage takers. In April 2009, his administration released a report by the Department of Homeland Security that characterized as right wing extremists and possible terrorists those who are Christian, returning US soldiers, political supporters of movements like the TEA Party, and supporters of states rights. Remaking America obviously does not necessarily include those who have differing viewpoints. America's political leadership is divisive.
President George Washington understood the pitfalls of putting party ideals ahead of the citizens. In his 1796 farewell address he said the spirit of "party" was divisive and undermines liberty. He said, "You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection." It is when we abandon these affections for one another that lawlessness prevails. It starts among us Christians--Jesus said in John 13:34, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." Let us unite again as a nation under the Love of Christ.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Our choices and the current prophetic times
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Our choices and the current prophetic times
The one world order is advancing at a faster pace than at any time. One example is the global approach to solving economic problems--problems that appear to have been created to give globalists the opportunity to band governments together. Another example is how religions are melding together with world leaders, even ones who believe they are Christians, saying there is more than one path to heaven. Militaries are working together to solve disaster issues; the move in sovereign nations to open borders and trade; and the way international law and Sharia law are influencing legal processes in many countries, including America. Worldwide Christians are persecuted. And its starting now in the US.
Revelation 13:7-8 says of the antichrist, "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." We know that out of the foundation that is being laid right now at a very fast pace, the stage for an antichrist is being prepared. Until then, there may be many types and shadows. John 7 says, "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
The march of prophecy cannot be stopped, but our place in prophecy can be determined by the decisions we make. Revelation 14:9-11 says, "...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation: and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
Our lives are full of choices. There are consequences to them--either good or bad. But Jesus told us several times to not be deceived. And he was particularly speaking about those in the position of religious authority. John reaffirms this, as does Paul and Peter. These are days where you must test each matter before you against the truth of the Word of God. Each leader, each pastor, each prophet, each teacher--their words should be compared with their actions, and their words and actions measured by the Holy Scriptures. And in order to do this, you must know the Scriptures--not from a book written about them by men or women, but by first hand reading and studying. Choices can be forever. Make them wisely.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Our choices and the current prophetic times
The one world order is advancing at a faster pace than at any time. One example is the global approach to solving economic problems--problems that appear to have been created to give globalists the opportunity to band governments together. Another example is how religions are melding together with world leaders, even ones who believe they are Christians, saying there is more than one path to heaven. Militaries are working together to solve disaster issues; the move in sovereign nations to open borders and trade; and the way international law and Sharia law are influencing legal processes in many countries, including America. Worldwide Christians are persecuted. And its starting now in the US.
Revelation 13:7-8 says of the antichrist, "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." We know that out of the foundation that is being laid right now at a very fast pace, the stage for an antichrist is being prepared. Until then, there may be many types and shadows. John 7 says, "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
The march of prophecy cannot be stopped, but our place in prophecy can be determined by the decisions we make. Revelation 14:9-11 says, "...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation: and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
Our lives are full of choices. There are consequences to them--either good or bad. But Jesus told us several times to not be deceived. And he was particularly speaking about those in the position of religious authority. John reaffirms this, as does Paul and Peter. These are days where you must test each matter before you against the truth of the Word of God. Each leader, each pastor, each prophet, each teacher--their words should be compared with their actions, and their words and actions measured by the Holy Scriptures. And in order to do this, you must know the Scriptures--not from a book written about them by men or women, but by first hand reading and studying. Choices can be forever. Make them wisely.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Posted: 12/06/10
Will Mark of the Beast Not Be A Micro-chip placed in the Body But Rather More Like An Electronic Tattoo in the Skin?
By John McTernan
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demonically inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called the Beast, but is better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with a number to this system. This is found in Revelation 13:16,17 with the number being 666. It seems that everyone knows about the number 666, even those with little knowledge of the Bible, as it is identified as the devil's number! This is probably one of the best known verses in all the Bible.
For centuries, the fulfillment of these verses was a mystery. The mark was believed to be a tattoo. Christians believed by faith that, just prior to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, a system would be in place where no one could buy or sell without this Mark. However, the understanding of these verses along with the possible fulfillment has really come into focus in the last 25 years. (Continued) The 666 Surveillance System
I have been writing that the Mark of the Beast would not be a micro-chip placed in the body, but rather it would be more like an electronic tattoo in the skin. I found an article that really shows this thought. Scientists have developed electrodes that are embedded in silk and placed on the skin like a tattoo. The silk dissolves and leaves the electrodes in place! This type of technology is what I see ending up as the Mark of the Beast.
This technology is rapidly advancing, and we shall soon see what direction this is going. Some different technology might be developed that could replace this, but I see this as the type of device that will be the Mark of the Beast. The electrodes will tie into the world-wide web, and everything in a person's life will be controlled by the 666 Surveillance System. I also believe the electrodes will be part of mind control.
Picture is clear silk with six silicon transistors for skin implant
***Implantable Silicon-Silk Electronics***"By building thin, flexible silicon electronics on silk substrates, researchers have made electronics that almost completely dissolve inside the body. So far the research group has demonstrated arrays of transistors made on thin films of silk. While electronics must usually be encased to protect them from the body, these electronics don't need protection, and the silk means the electronics conform to biological tissue. The silk melts away over time and the thin silicon circuits left behind don't cause irritation because they are just nanometers thick."
An Implantable Body Antenna "Silk and gold ... are now the main ingredients for a new kind of implantable biosensor. Researchers ... have crafted a small antenna from liquid silk and micropatterned gold. The antenna is designed to spot specific proteins and chemicals in the body, and alert doctors wirelessly to signs of disease." There is the connection to the world web from the body! A body antenna that connects to the web. All that is now needed is advanced technology that can easily be used on the masses of people.
The satanic system to ensnare man is being put together, piece by piece and day by day, as we watch it happening in real time. There is not much time left until it will be completed. According to the Bible, anyone that comes under the authority of the 666 Surveillance System will be eternally damned in hell. Now is the time to repent of sin and turn to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
The authority of God's prophetic word is being proven by the creation of the one-world government along with this 666 Surveillance System. There is no excuse for not turning to the Holy God of Israel by trusting the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
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Monday, December 6, 2010
A real world event worth noting
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, December 6, 2010
A real world event worth noting
When the news world is wrapped around the Wikileaks axel and world events are at the forefront of our minds in our busy day to day schedules, I want to share with you a very sobering, yet heart-warming time I had this past week in Nicaragua. Our small church does a lot of mission work. One of the places where we do it is Nicaragua. We sponsor a Bible curriculum to teach, equip and send out pastors to start churches there. And we also support feeding programs, places of refuge for children, and schools. A little bit of money there goes a long way. Indeed, the government is, as I am often reminded, a democracy. But socialists are in charge of it. Fortunately, they encourage ministry, but sometimes they meddle in it.
Throughout the country there are billboards with the picture of "President" Daniel Ortega saying "Christiano, Socialista, Solidario." Ortega, who wants to be president for life, is very big on tying socialism with Christianity to get the predominantly Catholic population, even the protestant population, to vote for him. It is an attractive slogan for a campaign, but in reality socialism and Christianity are not a good mix. The real rubber meets the road when you have examples of ministry work that are hindered by the socialist government--especially when it involves the defenseless. For example, one such ministry started a few years ago in a small hut that was purchased with the help of our church.
This ministry serves throw away children. Throw away children are those who are in a household that does not want them for various reasons--they are another mouth to feed, a kid to clothe, a burden on the family. They are often abused in many ways. They are quite often kicked out of their homes and forced into the streets. A couple of them that I am aware of would sleep in trees at night. This particular ministry took them in. But enter the government, which said that the kids were not allowed to stay overnight in the loving hands of the ministry. They had to be sent home to their personal hell by the end of each day or the ministry would be shut down. The family doing the ministry had to comply.
Now the kids are there at the ministry all day--sometimes up to 75 of them. They get fed, clothed, loved and cared for, and then they are sent away and have to fend for themselves until the next day--government ordered. Nobody really knows why. But the local Nicaraguan family ministering to the kids is undeterred. They cheerfully do the best they can. James 1:27 says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." You can see the truth in this in the smiles of these kids when they receive hand me down clothes from America, or a small bowl of rice and chicken soup. This is a world event to them.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, December 6, 2010
A real world event worth noting
When the news world is wrapped around the Wikileaks axel and world events are at the forefront of our minds in our busy day to day schedules, I want to share with you a very sobering, yet heart-warming time I had this past week in Nicaragua. Our small church does a lot of mission work. One of the places where we do it is Nicaragua. We sponsor a Bible curriculum to teach, equip and send out pastors to start churches there. And we also support feeding programs, places of refuge for children, and schools. A little bit of money there goes a long way. Indeed, the government is, as I am often reminded, a democracy. But socialists are in charge of it. Fortunately, they encourage ministry, but sometimes they meddle in it.
Throughout the country there are billboards with the picture of "President" Daniel Ortega saying "Christiano, Socialista, Solidario." Ortega, who wants to be president for life, is very big on tying socialism with Christianity to get the predominantly Catholic population, even the protestant population, to vote for him. It is an attractive slogan for a campaign, but in reality socialism and Christianity are not a good mix. The real rubber meets the road when you have examples of ministry work that are hindered by the socialist government--especially when it involves the defenseless. For example, one such ministry started a few years ago in a small hut that was purchased with the help of our church.
This ministry serves throw away children. Throw away children are those who are in a household that does not want them for various reasons--they are another mouth to feed, a kid to clothe, a burden on the family. They are often abused in many ways. They are quite often kicked out of their homes and forced into the streets. A couple of them that I am aware of would sleep in trees at night. This particular ministry took them in. But enter the government, which said that the kids were not allowed to stay overnight in the loving hands of the ministry. They had to be sent home to their personal hell by the end of each day or the ministry would be shut down. The family doing the ministry had to comply.
Now the kids are there at the ministry all day--sometimes up to 75 of them. They get fed, clothed, loved and cared for, and then they are sent away and have to fend for themselves until the next day--government ordered. Nobody really knows why. But the local Nicaraguan family ministering to the kids is undeterred. They cheerfully do the best they can. James 1:27 says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." You can see the truth in this in the smiles of these kids when they receive hand me down clothes from America, or a small bowl of rice and chicken soup. This is a world event to them.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Friday, December 3, 2010
The struggle for the inner man at the White House
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The struggle for the inner man at the White House
The Saudi Arabian government foot the bill for the extended family of the man who occupies the Oval Office to go on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca this year. While that in of itself is telltale about who is controlling who in this world of the deceived and deceivers, what is more shocking is what was said in response to questions about the American president. Sarah Omar, the president's 88 year old Kenyan grandmother told the Al-Qatan Saudi newspaper: "I prayed for my grandson Barack to convert to Islam." She was in Mecca with the president's uncle Saeed Hussein Obama, and four of her grandchildren.
I think it is very interesting that the president's grandmother is praying for him to convert to Islam while Christians in America are praying for him to have a "Damascus Road" experience to understand what it means to be a Christian. All the while, the White House maintains that the president is a committed Christian. Islamic countries believe they have one of their own in the White House. So nobody really knows for sure where the president's heart is. He says he is a follower of the Christian faith. But nobody has ever heard him deny his roots which are undeniably Islamic. A March 6, 2007 New York Times article quoted him saying, the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
He also said in a June 1, 2009 interview, "One of the points I want to make is, if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." And from a news conference in Turkey on April 6, he said, "And I've said before that one of the great strengths of the United States is - although as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." Trying to convince Muslims that America is not really a Christian nation, but also a Muslim nation, does not make the president Muslim.
But denying the deity of Christ sure does not make him a Christian. In a March 27, 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani, the then Illinois State Senator said, "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." This denies the very foundational doctrine of Christianity. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Anyone who says there is more than one way to heaven, is not a Christian. They may follow Christ and his beliefs, but they do not believe Christ. The president's grandmother may not know if he is a Muslim, but discerning Christians know what he is not.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The struggle for the inner man at the White House
The Saudi Arabian government foot the bill for the extended family of the man who occupies the Oval Office to go on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca this year. While that in of itself is telltale about who is controlling who in this world of the deceived and deceivers, what is more shocking is what was said in response to questions about the American president. Sarah Omar, the president's 88 year old Kenyan grandmother told the Al-Qatan Saudi newspaper: "I prayed for my grandson Barack to convert to Islam." She was in Mecca with the president's uncle Saeed Hussein Obama, and four of her grandchildren.
I think it is very interesting that the president's grandmother is praying for him to convert to Islam while Christians in America are praying for him to have a "Damascus Road" experience to understand what it means to be a Christian. All the while, the White House maintains that the president is a committed Christian. Islamic countries believe they have one of their own in the White House. So nobody really knows for sure where the president's heart is. He says he is a follower of the Christian faith. But nobody has ever heard him deny his roots which are undeniably Islamic. A March 6, 2007 New York Times article quoted him saying, the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
He also said in a June 1, 2009 interview, "One of the points I want to make is, if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." And from a news conference in Turkey on April 6, he said, "And I've said before that one of the great strengths of the United States is - although as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." Trying to convince Muslims that America is not really a Christian nation, but also a Muslim nation, does not make the president Muslim.
But denying the deity of Christ sure does not make him a Christian. In a March 27, 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani, the then Illinois State Senator said, "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." This denies the very foundational doctrine of Christianity. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Anyone who says there is more than one way to heaven, is not a Christian. They may follow Christ and his beliefs, but they do not believe Christ. The president's grandmother may not know if he is a Muslim, but discerning Christians know what he is not.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Prophetic locusts have arrived in Oklahoma
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Prophetic locusts have arrived in Oklahoma
According to AOL News a 15-year-old British girl was arrested in London on suspicion of inciting religious hatred after she allegedly set fire to an English-language copy of the Koran and posted footage of the incident on Facebook. AOL reports that Under British law, if an adult is found guilty of religious hatred--something no one has been convicted of since the law was introduced in 2006--they can face up to seven years in prison, a fine or both. However, it is not clear what kind of penalty a minor found guilty of the charge would incur. With the pressing of Islamic colonization in Europe there is a continuously growing gap between religious freedom, religious free speech and the militancy of Islam.
This is a phenomena that could soon come to the United States. Islam, a tyrannical political system disguised as a religion, is beginning to anchor its Sharia Law system in America. On November 2, Oklahoma voters approved by nearly a 70% margin a ballot measure blocking judges from considering Islamic or international law when making a ruling. Within a week, Oklahoma's Council on American-Islamic Relations got a judge to do exactly what the voters had feared--U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LeGrange ruled that the measure would be suspended until a hearing on November 22. Then she extended the ban another week.
Muneer Awad, executive director of CAIR in Oklahoma, said the ruling "is a reminder of the strength of our nation's legal system and the protections it grants to religious minorities. We are humbled by this opportunity to show our fellow Oklahomans that Muslims are their neighbors and that we are committed to upholding the US Constitution and promoting the benefits of a pluralistic society." But Awad, whose lawyer said the ban's supporters were "xenophobic merchants of fear and hate," believes his Constitutional rights are being violated by banning Sharia Law from being considered in court. Awad says he lives his life by Sharia Law and that everything he does will be forbidden from consideration by the courts.
Awad says he wants to uphold the Constitution. Yet he wants the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, to yield to Sharia Law. Christians understand that while striving to live their lives according to the scriptures, they are to obey the laws of the lands in which they live. Muslims, however, want their law established as the Supreme law. It happened in Africa, is happening in Europe and America is next. This is called colonization. Jeremiah 51:14 says of a nation very similar to today's America, "I shall fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall lift up a battle cry against thee." Take heed, it is better to fight this now without bloodshed than to be forced into a future, more historical, armed conflict with Islamists.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Prophetic locusts have arrived in Oklahoma
According to AOL News a 15-year-old British girl was arrested in London on suspicion of inciting religious hatred after she allegedly set fire to an English-language copy of the Koran and posted footage of the incident on Facebook. AOL reports that Under British law, if an adult is found guilty of religious hatred--something no one has been convicted of since the law was introduced in 2006--they can face up to seven years in prison, a fine or both. However, it is not clear what kind of penalty a minor found guilty of the charge would incur. With the pressing of Islamic colonization in Europe there is a continuously growing gap between religious freedom, religious free speech and the militancy of Islam.
This is a phenomena that could soon come to the United States. Islam, a tyrannical political system disguised as a religion, is beginning to anchor its Sharia Law system in America. On November 2, Oklahoma voters approved by nearly a 70% margin a ballot measure blocking judges from considering Islamic or international law when making a ruling. Within a week, Oklahoma's Council on American-Islamic Relations got a judge to do exactly what the voters had feared--U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LeGrange ruled that the measure would be suspended until a hearing on November 22. Then she extended the ban another week.
Muneer Awad, executive director of CAIR in Oklahoma, said the ruling "is a reminder of the strength of our nation's legal system and the protections it grants to religious minorities. We are humbled by this opportunity to show our fellow Oklahomans that Muslims are their neighbors and that we are committed to upholding the US Constitution and promoting the benefits of a pluralistic society." But Awad, whose lawyer said the ban's supporters were "xenophobic merchants of fear and hate," believes his Constitutional rights are being violated by banning Sharia Law from being considered in court. Awad says he lives his life by Sharia Law and that everything he does will be forbidden from consideration by the courts.
Awad says he wants to uphold the Constitution. Yet he wants the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, to yield to Sharia Law. Christians understand that while striving to live their lives according to the scriptures, they are to obey the laws of the lands in which they live. Muslims, however, want their law established as the Supreme law. It happened in Africa, is happening in Europe and America is next. This is called colonization. Jeremiah 51:14 says of a nation very similar to today's America, "I shall fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall lift up a battle cry against thee." Take heed, it is better to fight this now without bloodshed than to be forced into a future, more historical, armed conflict with Islamists.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
When the world hates, who is it really hating?
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
When the world hates, who is it really hating?
I just am not getting it. What is wrong with the Palin family? Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, agreed to participate in season 11 of Dancing with the Stars. Bristol drove her pick up truck five days from Alaska to Hollywood and spent three months learning how to dance--something she readily admits is not her forte'. Dancing with the Stars is a Hollywood reality show where noted public figures pair up with professional ballroom dancers and compete for a trophy. Part of the score comes from a panel of three judges and part of the score comes from people voting.
Although her dancing lacked a certain amount of charisma, Bristol kept getting the votes and ended up knocking out some pretty good dancers on her way to the finals. In fact, some news stories are saying that because of Bristol, Dancing with the Stars received its highest viewer ratings ever. So its all positive, right? Well, not so fast. Bristol's winning despite being not so good at dancing was not well received by some in the public. Bristol, a 20 year old who is an advocate for teen abstinence after having a baby out of wedlock, received death threats instead of encouragement. Somebody sent a powdery substance first thought to be anthrax to the studios. There were bomb sniffing dogs and high security at the finals.
All the while, Bristol's adoring family was watching her and encouraging her on this journey to learn how to dance. Sarah and her husband Todd were seen encouraging Bristol like any parents would. But the news media and gossip mongers kept wagging their venomous tongues, making snide remarks, ridiculing Bristol and her mother, and running them down at every juncture. I do not know the Palin's. I only know that Sarah Palin seems cheerful, energetic, positive, and seems to have a lot of common sense. I also know that her daughter Bristol tried her hardest to learn how to dance. And if the American public didn't think so, she would not have been anywhere near the finals. They voted for her.
Yet there is an ilk of Americana that was exposed during this reality show of which we should not be too proud. The Palin's call them the "haters" because they hate anything the family does. From Sarah not aborting a down syndrome baby to Bristol having one out of wedlock, the haters hated. We as Americans should learn how to disagree without abandoning the natural affections that bond us together as a people. The Palin's are hated because they take a stand for their beliefs, which often reflect Christianity. In John 15:18, Jesus says, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." And isn't that the case? The world hates Jesus and that may be why many people like the Palin's are hated, too.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
When the world hates, who is it really hating?
I just am not getting it. What is wrong with the Palin family? Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, agreed to participate in season 11 of Dancing with the Stars. Bristol drove her pick up truck five days from Alaska to Hollywood and spent three months learning how to dance--something she readily admits is not her forte'. Dancing with the Stars is a Hollywood reality show where noted public figures pair up with professional ballroom dancers and compete for a trophy. Part of the score comes from a panel of three judges and part of the score comes from people voting.
Although her dancing lacked a certain amount of charisma, Bristol kept getting the votes and ended up knocking out some pretty good dancers on her way to the finals. In fact, some news stories are saying that because of Bristol, Dancing with the Stars received its highest viewer ratings ever. So its all positive, right? Well, not so fast. Bristol's winning despite being not so good at dancing was not well received by some in the public. Bristol, a 20 year old who is an advocate for teen abstinence after having a baby out of wedlock, received death threats instead of encouragement. Somebody sent a powdery substance first thought to be anthrax to the studios. There were bomb sniffing dogs and high security at the finals.
All the while, Bristol's adoring family was watching her and encouraging her on this journey to learn how to dance. Sarah and her husband Todd were seen encouraging Bristol like any parents would. But the news media and gossip mongers kept wagging their venomous tongues, making snide remarks, ridiculing Bristol and her mother, and running them down at every juncture. I do not know the Palin's. I only know that Sarah Palin seems cheerful, energetic, positive, and seems to have a lot of common sense. I also know that her daughter Bristol tried her hardest to learn how to dance. And if the American public didn't think so, she would not have been anywhere near the finals. They voted for her.
Yet there is an ilk of Americana that was exposed during this reality show of which we should not be too proud. The Palin's call them the "haters" because they hate anything the family does. From Sarah not aborting a down syndrome baby to Bristol having one out of wedlock, the haters hated. We as Americans should learn how to disagree without abandoning the natural affections that bond us together as a people. The Palin's are hated because they take a stand for their beliefs, which often reflect Christianity. In John 15:18, Jesus says, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." And isn't that the case? The world hates Jesus and that may be why many people like the Palin's are hated, too.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hamas loves the American president
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hamas loves the American president
Israel Today Magazine wrote an article in mid-November that should send warning bells off to every Bible-believing Christian. The article, "Hamas [hearts] Obama" says, "It has been a rocky love story. Many Palestinians believed that when he was elected president of the US, Barack Obama would swiftly put an end to the "Zionist enterprise." While things haven't quite panned out that way, many Palestinians still see Obama as the best hope of eventually bringing the Jewish state to its knees. Chief among Obama's hopeful supporters in the region is the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.
"From the territory it rules in the Gaza Strip, Hamas sought to express that affection last week with a new line of products declaring Palestinian love for the American leader. Local newspapers carried front page stories of the new posters, mugs and other paraphenalia all adorned with the slogan "Oh... Abu Hussain - Palestine Loves You!!!" According to media reports in the region, Abu Hussain (referencing the president's Arabic middle name) is what Obama is commonly referred to in Gaza. Israeli and foreign commentators have noted the problem that this phenomenon highlights. Hamas remains openly dedicated to Israel's eventual destruction."
Israel Today concludes: "If such a group feels that Obama can help it in that endeavor, it means that the US president either is no friend of Israel, or has so failed to firmly communicate his position that the region's most vile terrorist organization views him as an ally." There is a great chasm between many Americans and recent Administrations viewing Israel as a secular state with absolutely no prophetic or Biblical connections. There is a view among much of the church in America that Christians replaced Jews as God's chosen people. And many Christians do not believe at all that Israel has any special place in God's eye. But even most reasonable people would agree that Israel is an ally to America and that Hamas is not.
Notwithstanding, the scriptures are clear that Israel will return. Ezekiel 36:24 says, "For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land." Many believe this prophecy was fulfilled in May 1948 when Israel once again became a nation. And the Lord says in verses 27,28, "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God." Israel is a work in progress as we can see by this prophecy. But we should be aware that God blesses those who bless Israel, and curses those who curse her.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hamas loves the American president
Israel Today Magazine wrote an article in mid-November that should send warning bells off to every Bible-believing Christian. The article, "Hamas [hearts] Obama" says, "It has been a rocky love story. Many Palestinians believed that when he was elected president of the US, Barack Obama would swiftly put an end to the "Zionist enterprise." While things haven't quite panned out that way, many Palestinians still see Obama as the best hope of eventually bringing the Jewish state to its knees. Chief among Obama's hopeful supporters in the region is the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.
"From the territory it rules in the Gaza Strip, Hamas sought to express that affection last week with a new line of products declaring Palestinian love for the American leader. Local newspapers carried front page stories of the new posters, mugs and other paraphenalia all adorned with the slogan "Oh... Abu Hussain - Palestine Loves You!!!" According to media reports in the region, Abu Hussain (referencing the president's Arabic middle name) is what Obama is commonly referred to in Gaza. Israeli and foreign commentators have noted the problem that this phenomenon highlights. Hamas remains openly dedicated to Israel's eventual destruction."
Israel Today concludes: "If such a group feels that Obama can help it in that endeavor, it means that the US president either is no friend of Israel, or has so failed to firmly communicate his position that the region's most vile terrorist organization views him as an ally." There is a great chasm between many Americans and recent Administrations viewing Israel as a secular state with absolutely no prophetic or Biblical connections. There is a view among much of the church in America that Christians replaced Jews as God's chosen people. And many Christians do not believe at all that Israel has any special place in God's eye. But even most reasonable people would agree that Israel is an ally to America and that Hamas is not.
Notwithstanding, the scriptures are clear that Israel will return. Ezekiel 36:24 says, "For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land." Many believe this prophecy was fulfilled in May 1948 when Israel once again became a nation. And the Lord says in verses 27,28, "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God." Israel is a work in progress as we can see by this prophecy. But we should be aware that God blesses those who bless Israel, and curses those who curse her.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Friday, November 26, 2010
China, Russia abandoning dollar is sign of prophetic fast track
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, November 26, 2010
China, Russia abandoning dollar is sign of prophetic fast track
This White House has a lot of explaining to do. How is it that a president is elected with so much promise of change and good will toward the citizens and ends up within less than two years destroying the economy and America's reputation as a world leader? Now before you hit the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of this message, please hear me out. I was no fan of the Bush second term. In fact, George "there is more than one way to heaven" W Bush set the tone for socialism and the one world order through many of his shenanigans that included the first near trillion dollar bailout at taxpayers' expense of his Wall Street buddies--money that our children's children will never be able to repay in their lifetimes.
But this guy, who swoops into office telling us he wants change and we should too, sold us a bill of goods. If we thought the Bush socialist America was bad, the current man in the White House has made Bush look like a tight wad. This White House has spent record amounts of taxpayer money, run up record deficits, and incurred record debt--over $40,000 for every man, woman, and child citizen of the United States. Yet he will not enforce border control, so the non-citizens are getting off the hook completely. But that's another subject for another day. The fact is that this current occupier of the White House has run up so much debt that the rest of the world is questioning whether the dollar is worth anything.
Two of the doubters are China and Russia, prophetic end time one world order players. Both have been hinting for a couple of years that they would like to move off the dollar standard and establish a new world currency standard. With the weakness in the American dollar and a huge dispute between China and the US regarding currency valuation, Russia and China have made a decisive move to use their own currencies for bilateral trade between them. The two longstanding socialistic allies have decided to follow their own course financially rather than continue to standardize on the historic stability of the US dollar. Chinese Wen Jiabao pledged the two countries will "never become each other's enemy."
This is landmark because it solidifies two nations that play a decisive end time role and paves the way for a currency other than the dollar to be used on the world market. The United States long has been the beacon of liberty and Christianity that has stood in the breech against a one world order. But the weakened condition of our nation's economy and its rapid decline as a credible world leader proffered by this White House has fast tracked the prophecies of a one world order, a one world religion and has accelerated the pace toward the foregone conclusions of Revelation. Revelation 13:17 says of the beast, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Can you see it on the horizon?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Friday, November 26, 2010
China, Russia abandoning dollar is sign of prophetic fast track
This White House has a lot of explaining to do. How is it that a president is elected with so much promise of change and good will toward the citizens and ends up within less than two years destroying the economy and America's reputation as a world leader? Now before you hit the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of this message, please hear me out. I was no fan of the Bush second term. In fact, George "there is more than one way to heaven" W Bush set the tone for socialism and the one world order through many of his shenanigans that included the first near trillion dollar bailout at taxpayers' expense of his Wall Street buddies--money that our children's children will never be able to repay in their lifetimes.
But this guy, who swoops into office telling us he wants change and we should too, sold us a bill of goods. If we thought the Bush socialist America was bad, the current man in the White House has made Bush look like a tight wad. This White House has spent record amounts of taxpayer money, run up record deficits, and incurred record debt--over $40,000 for every man, woman, and child citizen of the United States. Yet he will not enforce border control, so the non-citizens are getting off the hook completely. But that's another subject for another day. The fact is that this current occupier of the White House has run up so much debt that the rest of the world is questioning whether the dollar is worth anything.
Two of the doubters are China and Russia, prophetic end time one world order players. Both have been hinting for a couple of years that they would like to move off the dollar standard and establish a new world currency standard. With the weakness in the American dollar and a huge dispute between China and the US regarding currency valuation, Russia and China have made a decisive move to use their own currencies for bilateral trade between them. The two longstanding socialistic allies have decided to follow their own course financially rather than continue to standardize on the historic stability of the US dollar. Chinese Wen Jiabao pledged the two countries will "never become each other's enemy."
This is landmark because it solidifies two nations that play a decisive end time role and paves the way for a currency other than the dollar to be used on the world market. The United States long has been the beacon of liberty and Christianity that has stood in the breech against a one world order. But the weakened condition of our nation's economy and its rapid decline as a credible world leader proffered by this White House has fast tracked the prophecies of a one world order, a one world religion and has accelerated the pace toward the foregone conclusions of Revelation. Revelation 13:17 says of the beast, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Can you see it on the horizon?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Prophetic implications of the waking giant of militant China
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Prophetic implications of the waking giant of militant China
On November 9 there was a mysterious contrail off the coast of California. The federal government denied that it was a missile contrail, but could not give any details as to what caused the inexplicable event that was caught on film. Since then, there are military experts who speculate that it was a missile launched from a stealth Chinese submarine intended to send the United States a message. Nobody in the government is refuting this theory. The silence is almost deafening. What is not being said is that America's foremost trading partner is an enemy. And the message is: America, we hold nearly a trillion dollars of your debt. Do not mistake our investments as acceptance of an ally.
Each year the Congress requires the Pentagon to give a military assessment of China. It is strongly evident that over the decade since the report is annually issued, there is a direct correlation between the US trade deficit with China and the Chinese military build up. For example, the US-Chinese trade deficit in 2006 was around $350 billion. The Chinese military expenditures estimated by the Pentagon in 2006 were around $125 billion. The Chinese could not build their military at such a pace without the US as a trading partner. The reports have become increasingly concerned with the technology advances China is making, especially for computer espionage and unmanned military drones.
The latest report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission says missiles fired from the Chinese mainland could destroy five of the six major US air bases in the Far East, adding opposite Taiwan, China's missile force has reached 1,600. The report says that Beijing is also building rockets, submarines and surface fleets to extend her dominance out to the third chain of islands, enabling the People's Liberation Army to strike US carriers and bases as far away as Guam. China also has been at odds with the US over currency. China refuses to benchmark its currency off the world standards. Instead, China is warning that the US is causing a worldwide economic meltdown.
Revelation 9 speaks of the sixth trumpet which loosed the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates that would slay a third part of men. Verse 16 says, "And the number of the army of the horsemen where two hundred thousand thousand." That is 200 million. The drying up of the Euphrates would allow the assembly of armies from Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, Korea and all the places of the East. Standing armies in those places total about 18 million, but their populations could easily conscript 200 million. And today we have North Korea attacking South Korea and China mum on the subject while China is sending messages to America that she intends to contest the global currency and western military.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Prophetic implications of the waking giant of militant China
On November 9 there was a mysterious contrail off the coast of California. The federal government denied that it was a missile contrail, but could not give any details as to what caused the inexplicable event that was caught on film. Since then, there are military experts who speculate that it was a missile launched from a stealth Chinese submarine intended to send the United States a message. Nobody in the government is refuting this theory. The silence is almost deafening. What is not being said is that America's foremost trading partner is an enemy. And the message is: America, we hold nearly a trillion dollars of your debt. Do not mistake our investments as acceptance of an ally.
Each year the Congress requires the Pentagon to give a military assessment of China. It is strongly evident that over the decade since the report is annually issued, there is a direct correlation between the US trade deficit with China and the Chinese military build up. For example, the US-Chinese trade deficit in 2006 was around $350 billion. The Chinese military expenditures estimated by the Pentagon in 2006 were around $125 billion. The Chinese could not build their military at such a pace without the US as a trading partner. The reports have become increasingly concerned with the technology advances China is making, especially for computer espionage and unmanned military drones.
The latest report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission says missiles fired from the Chinese mainland could destroy five of the six major US air bases in the Far East, adding opposite Taiwan, China's missile force has reached 1,600. The report says that Beijing is also building rockets, submarines and surface fleets to extend her dominance out to the third chain of islands, enabling the People's Liberation Army to strike US carriers and bases as far away as Guam. China also has been at odds with the US over currency. China refuses to benchmark its currency off the world standards. Instead, China is warning that the US is causing a worldwide economic meltdown.
Revelation 9 speaks of the sixth trumpet which loosed the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates that would slay a third part of men. Verse 16 says, "And the number of the army of the horsemen where two hundred thousand thousand." That is 200 million. The drying up of the Euphrates would allow the assembly of armies from Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, Korea and all the places of the East. Standing armies in those places total about 18 million, but their populations could easily conscript 200 million. And today we have North Korea attacking South Korea and China mum on the subject while China is sending messages to America that she intends to contest the global currency and western military.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
North Korean aggression thanks to US President
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
North Korean aggression thanks to US President
Thanks to President Bill Clinton we are now seeing North Korea attack South Korea. In 1994, Clinton authorized two light-water nuclear reactors worth over $4.5 billion to be shipped to North Korea in addition to grain and over half a million tons of fuel oil a year. In return, Clinton received assurances that the technology would not be used to build nuclear weapons. The food somehow disappeared in North Korean military trucks, exacerbating the famine. The fuel went to government use. Newsweek reported in 1999 that Secretary of State Madeline Albright said the administration was trying to resolve concerns with North Korea regarding "suspicious underground construction activities and long-range missile programs."
Now the United States has a possible nuclear threat in Asia because of a president who scuttled the doctrine of deterrence to a theory that if everyone had nuclear weapons, nobody would use them. North Korea recently disclosed that it was operating another uranium enrichment program. Over the years, it has been reported that North Korea, China and Russia have been assisting Iran in building nuclear weapons and the missile systems to deliver them. North Korean scientists have been documented at Iranian nuclear facilities. Giving up nuclear technology to the North Koreans assisted all the evil-doers in the region to advance their destructive intentions.
The US was duped in 1991 into removing the tactical nuclear weapons it had stationed in South Korea as part of an agreement with North Korea to "denuclearitize" the North Korean peninsula. Now the South Koreans are sending diplomatic signals that perhaps the nukes need to be redeployed to deter an aggressive North Korea. The White House has issued a statement saying, "The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action." The White House also said, "The United States is firmly committed to the defense of our ally, the Republic of Korea, and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability."
The attack is likely to put more pressure on the US-China relationship, which is already deteriorating due to differences over China's refusal to adjust its currency to the world market. It is suspected by military experts, however denied by the White House, that China sent a warning to the US by firing a missile from a submarine off the California coast several days ago. China did not take sides in the North Korean dispute, saying only that the two sides should "do more to contribute to peace and stability in the region." Jesus said in Matthew 24:6, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Watch and pray.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
North Korean aggression thanks to US President
Thanks to President Bill Clinton we are now seeing North Korea attack South Korea. In 1994, Clinton authorized two light-water nuclear reactors worth over $4.5 billion to be shipped to North Korea in addition to grain and over half a million tons of fuel oil a year. In return, Clinton received assurances that the technology would not be used to build nuclear weapons. The food somehow disappeared in North Korean military trucks, exacerbating the famine. The fuel went to government use. Newsweek reported in 1999 that Secretary of State Madeline Albright said the administration was trying to resolve concerns with North Korea regarding "suspicious underground construction activities and long-range missile programs."
Now the United States has a possible nuclear threat in Asia because of a president who scuttled the doctrine of deterrence to a theory that if everyone had nuclear weapons, nobody would use them. North Korea recently disclosed that it was operating another uranium enrichment program. Over the years, it has been reported that North Korea, China and Russia have been assisting Iran in building nuclear weapons and the missile systems to deliver them. North Korean scientists have been documented at Iranian nuclear facilities. Giving up nuclear technology to the North Koreans assisted all the evil-doers in the region to advance their destructive intentions.
The US was duped in 1991 into removing the tactical nuclear weapons it had stationed in South Korea as part of an agreement with North Korea to "denuclearitize" the North Korean peninsula. Now the South Koreans are sending diplomatic signals that perhaps the nukes need to be redeployed to deter an aggressive North Korea. The White House has issued a statement saying, "The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action." The White House also said, "The United States is firmly committed to the defense of our ally, the Republic of Korea, and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability."
The attack is likely to put more pressure on the US-China relationship, which is already deteriorating due to differences over China's refusal to adjust its currency to the world market. It is suspected by military experts, however denied by the White House, that China sent a warning to the US by firing a missile from a submarine off the California coast several days ago. China did not take sides in the North Korean dispute, saying only that the two sides should "do more to contribute to peace and stability in the region." Jesus said in Matthew 24:6, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Watch and pray.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Monday, November 22, 2010
Of demons, Harry Potter, and white witchcraft within the church
Monday, November 22, 2010
Of demons, Harry Potter, and white witchcraft within the church
Every time I see a commercial on television for a new Harry Potter movie, I get upset because I know that many, many people will invite demon possession by just watching the movie thinking it is entertainment. And believe me, there are many a Christian parents, teens and younger children who will argue until they are blue in the face about whether the movie has redeeming value. It is my personal belief that the Harry Potter series, like ouija boards, tarot cards, and anything else involved with witchcraft--white or black--is an invitation for the supernatural to wreck havoc on an unsuspecting soul.
"Inside Catholic" magazine has written a review of Father Thomas Euteneuer's new book "Exorcism and the Church Militant." Euteneuer is an expert in exorcism and demon possession. He wrote the book to provide guidance for parents who need a reminder that the occult is not innocent entertainment. Euteneuer says dabbling in the occult and even watching Harry Potter movies could give demons legal entry into an unsuspecting person. Just playing around with the occult in a seemingly harmless act, Euteneuer says, is opening a window to possession. He claims that demons cannot operate without permission from human beings, only entering a person upon invitation--either intentional or unintentional.
Taking this a step further, I believe Christians should be on high alert when it comes to movements within church circles that promote "revelation knowledge," "personal prophecy," "spiritual soaking," and "spiritual impartation." There have been entire ministries and ministry teachings on extra-biblical, self indulgent and dangerous doctrines that take a little truth from the scriptures and expand it far beyond its context, to enable those seeking spiritual power and supernatural revelation. Unsuspecting Christians who trust ministry leaders can be led into white witchcraft thinking they are receiving power and extra-Biblical knowledge from the Holy Spirit, when in fact, they may be inviting control by not-so-holy spirits.
When church leaders are caught up in emotional half-truths rather than being sober minded and grounded in THE truth, the winds of strange doctrine can sweep into the souls of the seeking and unsuspecting. In Acts 16:17, a woman possessed with a spirit of divination which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying met Paul and the disciples. "The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation." Paul was grieved and cast the spirit out of her. This woman used the truth to gain personal credibility. Paul discerned by knowing the truth, which is the word of God, and abiding in it. We should do the same.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Of demons, Harry Potter, and white witchcraft within the church
Every time I see a commercial on television for a new Harry Potter movie, I get upset because I know that many, many people will invite demon possession by just watching the movie thinking it is entertainment. And believe me, there are many a Christian parents, teens and younger children who will argue until they are blue in the face about whether the movie has redeeming value. It is my personal belief that the Harry Potter series, like ouija boards, tarot cards, and anything else involved with witchcraft--white or black--is an invitation for the supernatural to wreck havoc on an unsuspecting soul.
"Inside Catholic" magazine has written a review of Father Thomas Euteneuer's new book "Exorcism and the Church Militant." Euteneuer is an expert in exorcism and demon possession. He wrote the book to provide guidance for parents who need a reminder that the occult is not innocent entertainment. Euteneuer says dabbling in the occult and even watching Harry Potter movies could give demons legal entry into an unsuspecting person. Just playing around with the occult in a seemingly harmless act, Euteneuer says, is opening a window to possession. He claims that demons cannot operate without permission from human beings, only entering a person upon invitation--either intentional or unintentional.
Taking this a step further, I believe Christians should be on high alert when it comes to movements within church circles that promote "revelation knowledge," "personal prophecy," "spiritual soaking," and "spiritual impartation." There have been entire ministries and ministry teachings on extra-biblical, self indulgent and dangerous doctrines that take a little truth from the scriptures and expand it far beyond its context, to enable those seeking spiritual power and supernatural revelation. Unsuspecting Christians who trust ministry leaders can be led into white witchcraft thinking they are receiving power and extra-Biblical knowledge from the Holy Spirit, when in fact, they may be inviting control by not-so-holy spirits.
When church leaders are caught up in emotional half-truths rather than being sober minded and grounded in THE truth, the winds of strange doctrine can sweep into the souls of the seeking and unsuspecting. In Acts 16:17, a woman possessed with a spirit of divination which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying met Paul and the disciples. "The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation." Paul was grieved and cast the spirit out of her. This woman used the truth to gain personal credibility. Paul discerned by knowing the truth, which is the word of God, and abiding in it. We should do the same.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Revelation Prophecy Type and Shadow: UN predicts food shortages
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Revelation Prophecy Type and Shadow: UN predicts food shortages
The United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization is reporting that global food imports will top a trillion dollars in 2010 and because of what the FAO says are "unexpected downward revisions to crop forecasts in several major producing countries, world prices have risen alarmingly and at a much faster pace than in 2007/08" when another food shortage occurred. In all areas of food production, FAO predicts price increases. For examples, world cereal production in 2010 stands at 2.22 billion metric tons, while cereal utilization is forecast at 2.25 billion metric tons. This means that demand is outstripping production. When supply is less than demand, prices rise.
Normally, when prices rise for food commodities, farmers produce more crops, which will bring the prices down. But land availability, weather, fuel costs, cost of fertilizer and other factors play a role in how much a farmer can increase his crop size. With oil prices skyrocketing on the international market, fuel costs for farmers is going to be a large factor in next year's crop size, and eventually the price of foodstuffs. The economic outlook on the horizon for the price of food is grim. The United States is the largest exporter of grains, such as wheat. And farm exports are a large part of America's trade balance. Globalization will ultimately force food prices higher in America.
Given the economic conditions of the nations around the world--that they are all in great debt to one another--it is no long shot analysis that weather related crop reductions combined with hyperinflation could very well bring food prices to the level that we see prophesied in Revelation 6:6, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny." In this scenario, the price of wheat, for example, would be approximately $2.20 a measure. A bushel of wheat would cost over $70. A loaf of bread, by many estimates would cost about $20, but that is estimated in a day's wages from Biblical times. That being the case, a loaf of bread may cost about $60 in today's minimum wage.
Many have written and asked me what to do in preparation for this. Be wise. Use your resources. If you have any land, begin to prepare it and learn how to grow foodstuffs. If you have any money, find ways to transfer it from paper to precious metals. But most of all, I have learned over the past seven years, to have faith in the Lord. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, 34 ,"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." You cannot store enough food or money for what is ahead. Do what you are able, but trust in God in all things.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministr
Revelation Prophecy Type and Shadow: UN predicts food shortages
The United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization is reporting that global food imports will top a trillion dollars in 2010 and because of what the FAO says are "unexpected downward revisions to crop forecasts in several major producing countries, world prices have risen alarmingly and at a much faster pace than in 2007/08" when another food shortage occurred. In all areas of food production, FAO predicts price increases. For examples, world cereal production in 2010 stands at 2.22 billion metric tons, while cereal utilization is forecast at 2.25 billion metric tons. This means that demand is outstripping production. When supply is less than demand, prices rise.
Normally, when prices rise for food commodities, farmers produce more crops, which will bring the prices down. But land availability, weather, fuel costs, cost of fertilizer and other factors play a role in how much a farmer can increase his crop size. With oil prices skyrocketing on the international market, fuel costs for farmers is going to be a large factor in next year's crop size, and eventually the price of foodstuffs. The economic outlook on the horizon for the price of food is grim. The United States is the largest exporter of grains, such as wheat. And farm exports are a large part of America's trade balance. Globalization will ultimately force food prices higher in America.
Given the economic conditions of the nations around the world--that they are all in great debt to one another--it is no long shot analysis that weather related crop reductions combined with hyperinflation could very well bring food prices to the level that we see prophesied in Revelation 6:6, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny." In this scenario, the price of wheat, for example, would be approximately $2.20 a measure. A bushel of wheat would cost over $70. A loaf of bread, by many estimates would cost about $20, but that is estimated in a day's wages from Biblical times. That being the case, a loaf of bread may cost about $60 in today's minimum wage.
Many have written and asked me what to do in preparation for this. Be wise. Use your resources. If you have any land, begin to prepare it and learn how to grow foodstuffs. If you have any money, find ways to transfer it from paper to precious metals. But most of all, I have learned over the past seven years, to have faith in the Lord. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, 34 ,"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." You cannot store enough food or money for what is ahead. Do what you are able, but trust in God in all things.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministr
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Airport Pat Down Solution: Separate Sheep and Goats
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Airport Pat Down Solution: Separate Sheep and Goats
The invasive airport scanning and government approved groping of air passengers by the White House is designed to prevent terrorists from the deadly sabotaging of planes. A friend of mine who is a disabled and highly decorated veteran has had to undergo these invasive "pat-downs." He said the Transportation Safety Administration agent told him that 80% of the terrorists are homegrown and angry. The TSA agent failed to mention that a likely 99% are Muslim. And herein lies the issue: the ones who have caused the problem are the ones yelling the loudest about the procedures when they are used against Muslims. Yet historically Muslims are the most likely candidates to perpetrate terrorism on airplanes.
On February 12, a body of Islamic scholars calling themselves the Fiqh Council of North America issued a fatwa saying that airport scanners violate Islamic rules on modesty. At the time, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) endorsed the fatwa. Nihad Awad, spokesman for the Muslim civil rights group that has ties to terrorism, said in a USA Today article, "We support the Fiqh Council's statement on full-body scanners and believe that the religious and privacy rights of passengers can be respected while maintaining safety and security." What CAIR and others did not expect was that to avoid the scanners, their Islamists would have to endure a humiliating "pat down."
On November 10, CAIR issued a travel advisory for all Muslims, saying the advisory is "particularly important for Muslim travelers leaving for or returning from Hajj." The CAIR advisory gives a brief story of a 56 year old Muslim woman who underwent a secondary screening "even though the metal detector did not go off, a phenomenon reported frequently to CAIR by female Muslim travelers." This leads CAIR to concluding that "if you experience any disturbing incidents with the new pat down procedure, particularly if you feel you have been subjected to religious or racial profiling, harassment or unfair treatment, immediately file a complaint with the TSA and report the incident to your local CAIR chapter."
There is sound Biblical precedence showing us how to solve this problem. Jesus describes the judgment in Matthew 25:32, 33, "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left." Two lines. Muslims and aliens on the left. Others on the right. Pat downs on the left. Metal scanners and spot "pat downs" on the right. Perhaps with this treatment, those whose people caused the problem will eventually police their own rather than face the humiliation. But of course that's profiling. And we should not publicly admit terrorists are most likely Muslims and take appropriate action...or should we?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Airport Pat Down Solution: Separate Sheep and Goats
The invasive airport scanning and government approved groping of air passengers by the White House is designed to prevent terrorists from the deadly sabotaging of planes. A friend of mine who is a disabled and highly decorated veteran has had to undergo these invasive "pat-downs." He said the Transportation Safety Administration agent told him that 80% of the terrorists are homegrown and angry. The TSA agent failed to mention that a likely 99% are Muslim. And herein lies the issue: the ones who have caused the problem are the ones yelling the loudest about the procedures when they are used against Muslims. Yet historically Muslims are the most likely candidates to perpetrate terrorism on airplanes.
On February 12, a body of Islamic scholars calling themselves the Fiqh Council of North America issued a fatwa saying that airport scanners violate Islamic rules on modesty. At the time, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) endorsed the fatwa. Nihad Awad, spokesman for the Muslim civil rights group that has ties to terrorism, said in a USA Today article, "We support the Fiqh Council's statement on full-body scanners and believe that the religious and privacy rights of passengers can be respected while maintaining safety and security." What CAIR and others did not expect was that to avoid the scanners, their Islamists would have to endure a humiliating "pat down."
On November 10, CAIR issued a travel advisory for all Muslims, saying the advisory is "particularly important for Muslim travelers leaving for or returning from Hajj." The CAIR advisory gives a brief story of a 56 year old Muslim woman who underwent a secondary screening "even though the metal detector did not go off, a phenomenon reported frequently to CAIR by female Muslim travelers." This leads CAIR to concluding that "if you experience any disturbing incidents with the new pat down procedure, particularly if you feel you have been subjected to religious or racial profiling, harassment or unfair treatment, immediately file a complaint with the TSA and report the incident to your local CAIR chapter."
There is sound Biblical precedence showing us how to solve this problem. Jesus describes the judgment in Matthew 25:32, 33, "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left." Two lines. Muslims and aliens on the left. Others on the right. Pat downs on the left. Metal scanners and spot "pat downs" on the right. Perhaps with this treatment, those whose people caused the problem will eventually police their own rather than face the humiliation. But of course that's profiling. And we should not publicly admit terrorists are most likely Muslims and take appropriate action...or should we?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The prophecies of Babylon: Type and shadow of America?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The prophecies of Babylon: Type and shadow of America?
We have a government who is humiliating air passengers by making them go naked before strangers or face a government groping. A dear friend of mine writes, "I had two times in the last week their new "very intrusive" pat down. I am insisting for the future in a private room procedure with a second officer. They also now need to fill out in my presence some new paperwork. When the 15 minute ordeal was completed I asked them to tell their supervisor that as a combat-disabled veteran I am incensed that I would be subjected to this treatment. I was told by the screener, "80% of terrorists today are home-grown and are angry people," so I presume this means the Islamist terrorists are absolved of guilt because they are "angry." What is it all coming to?"
We have become such a tolerant society that we allow an aggressive and violent minority dictate the actions of the majority. Oh how Mahmaud Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden and the folks over at Hamas, Hizbollah, the Palestinian Authority, and the rest of the gang at al Qaeda must be laughing themselves asleep at night. Here they have the mightiest country in the world mandating something that they, themselves, would never allow. Something they would fight to the death to stop--the mass humiliation of their people. They have government employees groping American citizens.
Please do not take offense, because none is intended. But I believe that this has happened because American citizens have tolerated evil in this country in so many ways. The obvious is the massive legal killing of the pre-born; the embracing of the abomination of homosexuality; and the attempt to remove any mention of God from the public square. There are other offenses, including: the falling away of the church to bad doctrine that promotes self indulgence rather than glorifying God; the attitude that if it doesn't directly affect me, I do nothing about it; the love of one's self over the caring for the greater good. In short, we as a nation have bought in to the humanist way. And we are in it deep.
In Jeremiah Chapter 51:51-52 The LORD speaks of Babylon similar to what the United States has become. "Remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. We are confounded, because we have heard reproach; shame has covered our faces: for strangers have come into the sanctuaries of the LORD's house. Wherefore, behold, the days come, says the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan." We are a nation that was dedicated by our Fathers in covenant to God. And we have strayed far from the LORD's righteousness. Our nakedness is being exposed as the mockers celebrate. We as a people need a change of heart.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The prophecies of Babylon: Type and shadow of America?
We have a government who is humiliating air passengers by making them go naked before strangers or face a government groping. A dear friend of mine writes, "I had two times in the last week their new "very intrusive" pat down. I am insisting for the future in a private room procedure with a second officer. They also now need to fill out in my presence some new paperwork. When the 15 minute ordeal was completed I asked them to tell their supervisor that as a combat-disabled veteran I am incensed that I would be subjected to this treatment. I was told by the screener, "80% of terrorists today are home-grown and are angry people," so I presume this means the Islamist terrorists are absolved of guilt because they are "angry." What is it all coming to?"
We have become such a tolerant society that we allow an aggressive and violent minority dictate the actions of the majority. Oh how Mahmaud Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden and the folks over at Hamas, Hizbollah, the Palestinian Authority, and the rest of the gang at al Qaeda must be laughing themselves asleep at night. Here they have the mightiest country in the world mandating something that they, themselves, would never allow. Something they would fight to the death to stop--the mass humiliation of their people. They have government employees groping American citizens.
Please do not take offense, because none is intended. But I believe that this has happened because American citizens have tolerated evil in this country in so many ways. The obvious is the massive legal killing of the pre-born; the embracing of the abomination of homosexuality; and the attempt to remove any mention of God from the public square. There are other offenses, including: the falling away of the church to bad doctrine that promotes self indulgence rather than glorifying God; the attitude that if it doesn't directly affect me, I do nothing about it; the love of one's self over the caring for the greater good. In short, we as a nation have bought in to the humanist way. And we are in it deep.
In Jeremiah Chapter 51:51-52 The LORD speaks of Babylon similar to what the United States has become. "Remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. We are confounded, because we have heard reproach; shame has covered our faces: for strangers have come into the sanctuaries of the LORD's house. Wherefore, behold, the days come, says the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan." We are a nation that was dedicated by our Fathers in covenant to God. And we have strayed far from the LORD's righteousness. Our nakedness is being exposed as the mockers celebrate. We as a people need a change of heart.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, November 15, 2010
Muslims dictating the civil rights of Americans
Monday, November 15, 2010
Muslims dictating the civil rights of Americans
The Islamist attacks on America began before 9/11/2001. There were many terrorist attacks against the United States and its citizens around the world by Muslims. By 2001, there were metal detectors at airports and security checks were routine. All because of Muslims who insisted on attacking air travel to kill the infidels. Since 9/11, the rights of every American citizen have been restricted because of what the government wants us to believe is a handful of radical Muslims. President George W Bush was quoted more than once as saying that the Muslim terrorists needed to be right only once, and American security wrong only once for there to be a major terrorist disaster.
It would be an amazing number to publish the amount of money the Muslim religion has cost the American taxpayer. Further, it would be an astronomical measure to quantify the loss of civil rights attributed to the Muslim religion. Now the government has come up with what it calls "Backscatter" technology that uses low doses of radiation to create a naked image of those traveling on airplanes. This is what the government believes is an acceptable way to scan prospective air passengers for explosives or other materials that could cause death on an aircraft. The government says the radiation is safe, but who is to trust the government these days? Some believe there are health risks associated with these machines.
If one does not want to experience the naked body scan complete with the extra radiation with unknown future side effects, one can submit to a so-called "pat down." This "pat down" includes a government official groping your genitals. If you refuse such a groping, it is likely you will not be permitted to fly and you are susceptible to civil fines of up to $10,000 according to Transportation Safety Administration policies. The Airlines can refuse to transport you if you refuse to permit a search of person or property by the TSA. You agree to this as part of the terms and conditions of purchasing an air travel ticket. In other words, you give up your Constitutional right of privacy and of unwarranted search and seizure.
In Genesis 16:12, an angel of the Lord describes Ishmael, the son of Abraham that the Muslims claim as their connection to God. The angel says, "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." This prophecy is true today because most everywhere in the world there is trouble, Islam is associated with it. By blowing up some airplanes, Muslims have cost non-Muslims unmeasurable money and loss of civil rights. Yet, it is the Muslims who protest the loudest about airport restrictions on their religious rights. If only they would protest so vigorously against terrorism.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Muslims dictating the civil rights of Americans
The Islamist attacks on America began before 9/11/2001. There were many terrorist attacks against the United States and its citizens around the world by Muslims. By 2001, there were metal detectors at airports and security checks were routine. All because of Muslims who insisted on attacking air travel to kill the infidels. Since 9/11, the rights of every American citizen have been restricted because of what the government wants us to believe is a handful of radical Muslims. President George W Bush was quoted more than once as saying that the Muslim terrorists needed to be right only once, and American security wrong only once for there to be a major terrorist disaster.
It would be an amazing number to publish the amount of money the Muslim religion has cost the American taxpayer. Further, it would be an astronomical measure to quantify the loss of civil rights attributed to the Muslim religion. Now the government has come up with what it calls "Backscatter" technology that uses low doses of radiation to create a naked image of those traveling on airplanes. This is what the government believes is an acceptable way to scan prospective air passengers for explosives or other materials that could cause death on an aircraft. The government says the radiation is safe, but who is to trust the government these days? Some believe there are health risks associated with these machines.
If one does not want to experience the naked body scan complete with the extra radiation with unknown future side effects, one can submit to a so-called "pat down." This "pat down" includes a government official groping your genitals. If you refuse such a groping, it is likely you will not be permitted to fly and you are susceptible to civil fines of up to $10,000 according to Transportation Safety Administration policies. The Airlines can refuse to transport you if you refuse to permit a search of person or property by the TSA. You agree to this as part of the terms and conditions of purchasing an air travel ticket. In other words, you give up your Constitutional right of privacy and of unwarranted search and seizure.
In Genesis 16:12, an angel of the Lord describes Ishmael, the son of Abraham that the Muslims claim as their connection to God. The angel says, "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." This prophecy is true today because most everywhere in the world there is trouble, Islam is associated with it. By blowing up some airplanes, Muslims have cost non-Muslims unmeasurable money and loss of civil rights. Yet, it is the Muslims who protest the loudest about airport restrictions on their religious rights. If only they would protest so vigorously against terrorism.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Friday, November 12, 2010
Your tax money supporting Israel's and America's enemies
Friday, November 12, 2010
Your tax money supporting Israel's and America's enemies
The Palestinian Authority is the so-called "moderate" Palestinian organization that every Administration since the Clinton presidency has supported to bring peace to the Middle East. The United States has spent billions of taxpayer dollars over the past 16 years to prop up the Palestinian Authority and to give it legitimacy. Its a pretty good gig if you are a terrorist associated with the organization that was founded by the father of modern terrorism Yassir Arafat. The Palestinian Authority is just the suit and tie front of terrorism in Israel and American taxpayers have been funding its operations against Israel. The money goes to buying weapons, shelter, food, training, and clothing for moderate terrorists.
The latest round is $150 million of American tax money that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced will be given to this terrorist front organization. The Palestinian Authority is the Palestinian Liberation Organization's representative to Israel in trying to negotiate a two-state solution that would cut Israel into two pieces and give the traditional Israel lands of Samaria and Judea, now commonly called the West Bank, to the terrorists. The Palestinian Liberation Organization is comprised of the terrorist group Fatah, the radical militant socialist group The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and several other communist, socialist, Baathist, and militant groups. All these are sworn enemies of Israel.
The strong Bible-based Christian roots of America, especially as they stood post World War II, has determined the course of history intertwining Israel and the United States together in an unbreakable bond. These have been based on both scripture and that Israel has been the only true ally of the United States in the Middle East. Genesis 12:3 says of Israel, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." George W Bush was the first president to ever publicly call for the establishment of a Palestinian State. The current White House has promoted such ideology to the extent of telling Israel it cannot build houses on its own land.
Much of the church in America believes in "replacement theology"--that Christians have replaced Jews as God's chosen people. The error in this thinking is found as the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 10:12, "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him." In 11:17, Paul explains using an example of the olive tree: "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partake of the root and the fatness of the olive tree." Much of the Church, our tax money and our leaders are supporting the enemies of Israel, where God's word says are curses rather than blessings.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Your tax money supporting Israel's and America's enemies
The Palestinian Authority is the so-called "moderate" Palestinian organization that every Administration since the Clinton presidency has supported to bring peace to the Middle East. The United States has spent billions of taxpayer dollars over the past 16 years to prop up the Palestinian Authority and to give it legitimacy. Its a pretty good gig if you are a terrorist associated with the organization that was founded by the father of modern terrorism Yassir Arafat. The Palestinian Authority is just the suit and tie front of terrorism in Israel and American taxpayers have been funding its operations against Israel. The money goes to buying weapons, shelter, food, training, and clothing for moderate terrorists.
The latest round is $150 million of American tax money that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced will be given to this terrorist front organization. The Palestinian Authority is the Palestinian Liberation Organization's representative to Israel in trying to negotiate a two-state solution that would cut Israel into two pieces and give the traditional Israel lands of Samaria and Judea, now commonly called the West Bank, to the terrorists. The Palestinian Liberation Organization is comprised of the terrorist group Fatah, the radical militant socialist group The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and several other communist, socialist, Baathist, and militant groups. All these are sworn enemies of Israel.
The strong Bible-based Christian roots of America, especially as they stood post World War II, has determined the course of history intertwining Israel and the United States together in an unbreakable bond. These have been based on both scripture and that Israel has been the only true ally of the United States in the Middle East. Genesis 12:3 says of Israel, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." George W Bush was the first president to ever publicly call for the establishment of a Palestinian State. The current White House has promoted such ideology to the extent of telling Israel it cannot build houses on its own land.
Much of the church in America believes in "replacement theology"--that Christians have replaced Jews as God's chosen people. The error in this thinking is found as the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 10:12, "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him." In 11:17, Paul explains using an example of the olive tree: "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partake of the root and the fatness of the olive tree." Much of the Church, our tax money and our leaders are supporting the enemies of Israel, where God's word says are curses rather than blessings.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Smile, Your License Plate's on Town's Candid Camera
Subject: Smile, Your License Plate's on Town's Candid Camera
Smile, Your License Plate's on Town's Candid Camera
Updated: 3 hours 12 minutes ago
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Richard C. Paddock
Richard C. Paddock San Francisco Correspondent
AOL News
TIBURON, Calif. (Nov. 7) -- Drive a car into this affluent town on San Francisco Bay and you will be noticed. At least your license plate will.
The small community of Tiburon has begun photographing and recording the license plate of every vehicle that enters or leaves town. The goal is to catch criminals in an area that already has among the lowest crime rates in the state.
"We think it provides a great post-event tool for criminal investigation," Tiburon Police Chief Michael Cronin told AOL News. "Our geography limits access to the community to only two roads, giving us the opportunity to easily identify vehicles associated with crimes."
Smile, Your License Plate May Be on Calif. Town's Hidden Camera
Eric Risberg, AP
Tiburon, a town of 8,000 in California's Marin County, photographs and records license plates of all people entering and leaving town.
Tiburon is one of many communities around the country that increasingly are turning to technology to tackle crime, adopting such devices as police officer headcams, robots and laser scanners.
In Tiburon's case, recording the license plate of every vehicle is made relatively easy by its isolated location. Tiburon sits on a peninsula that juts into San Francisco Bay, and only two roads lead in and out of town. About 12,000 people live on the peninsula, which also includes the town of Belvedere.
Six cameras have been installed at key points along the two highways, one for each lane of traffic. The cameras photograph each license plate, and the photos are stored in a database that can be easily searched. The system also will be programmed to check whether any of the plates are linked to an Amber alert or a stolen car.
The system began photographing and recording license plates last week. Other features of the system should be operating by the end of this week, Cronin said.
But here in Marin County, a bastion of liberalism, dealing with civil liberties issues was tougher than installing the technology. Initially, the idea of bringing Big Brother to Tiburon did not sit well with some members of the community.
"It's beyond creepy," Tiburon resident James Bramlette, 34, told the Marin Independent Journal. "It's totally unnecessary, and it raises questions about what kind of community we live in. It's embarrassing."
Others, however, liked the safety aspect the technology provides.
"It's just like locking your door," Robin Pryor, 66, of Belvedere told the San Francisco Chronicle." "If [visitors] have reason for it to bother them, they shouldn't be coming in."
Cronin said the police department overcame resistance by incorporating a number of civil liberties safeguards into the system. The cameras will not photograph the occupants of any vehicle, unlike red light cameras used in many cities. The license plates will be searched only in an effort to solve a reported crime. And the photos will be stored for only 30 days.
"We are not going to amass this huge pile of data on who went in and out of Tiburon every day," Cronin said. "We are not even going to know that unless we think a particular vehicle had something to do with a crime."
One of the main goals, he said, is to reduce the number of burglaries committed by outsiders who drive into Tiburon and Belvedere.
"It's hard to get around in our society without owning a car, and most criminals do," the chief observed.
The decision to install cameras was prompted by the case of a well-dressed woman who drove to Tiburon in a Mercedes several times and stole mail from homes in quiet residential neighborhoods as part of a sophisticated identity-theft ring.
Cronin realized that being able to know what cars entered the town around the time of the thefts would have made catching her far easier. She was eventually arrested and convicted, but Cronin said, "That was sort of a catalyst for me."
Many communities have license-plate cameras, which can catch speeders and stolen vehicles. Such was the case last week in Washington, D.C., when police were investigating the apparent murder of an American University professor. They caught up with her stolen Jeep through a license-plate camera, according to The Washington Post.
Smile, Your License Plate's on Town's Candid Camera
Updated: 3 hours 12 minutes ago
Print Text Size
Richard C. Paddock
Richard C. Paddock San Francisco Correspondent
AOL News
TIBURON, Calif. (Nov. 7) -- Drive a car into this affluent town on San Francisco Bay and you will be noticed. At least your license plate will.
The small community of Tiburon has begun photographing and recording the license plate of every vehicle that enters or leaves town. The goal is to catch criminals in an area that already has among the lowest crime rates in the state.
"We think it provides a great post-event tool for criminal investigation," Tiburon Police Chief Michael Cronin told AOL News. "Our geography limits access to the community to only two roads, giving us the opportunity to easily identify vehicles associated with crimes."
Smile, Your License Plate May Be on Calif. Town's Hidden Camera
Eric Risberg, AP
Tiburon, a town of 8,000 in California's Marin County, photographs and records license plates of all people entering and leaving town.
Tiburon is one of many communities around the country that increasingly are turning to technology to tackle crime, adopting such devices as police officer headcams, robots and laser scanners.
In Tiburon's case, recording the license plate of every vehicle is made relatively easy by its isolated location. Tiburon sits on a peninsula that juts into San Francisco Bay, and only two roads lead in and out of town. About 12,000 people live on the peninsula, which also includes the town of Belvedere.
Six cameras have been installed at key points along the two highways, one for each lane of traffic. The cameras photograph each license plate, and the photos are stored in a database that can be easily searched. The system also will be programmed to check whether any of the plates are linked to an Amber alert or a stolen car.
The system began photographing and recording license plates last week. Other features of the system should be operating by the end of this week, Cronin said.
But here in Marin County, a bastion of liberalism, dealing with civil liberties issues was tougher than installing the technology. Initially, the idea of bringing Big Brother to Tiburon did not sit well with some members of the community.
"It's beyond creepy," Tiburon resident James Bramlette, 34, told the Marin Independent Journal. "It's totally unnecessary, and it raises questions about what kind of community we live in. It's embarrassing."
Others, however, liked the safety aspect the technology provides.
"It's just like locking your door," Robin Pryor, 66, of Belvedere told the San Francisco Chronicle." "If [visitors] have reason for it to bother them, they shouldn't be coming in."
Cronin said the police department overcame resistance by incorporating a number of civil liberties safeguards into the system. The cameras will not photograph the occupants of any vehicle, unlike red light cameras used in many cities. The license plates will be searched only in an effort to solve a reported crime. And the photos will be stored for only 30 days.
"We are not going to amass this huge pile of data on who went in and out of Tiburon every day," Cronin said. "We are not even going to know that unless we think a particular vehicle had something to do with a crime."
One of the main goals, he said, is to reduce the number of burglaries committed by outsiders who drive into Tiburon and Belvedere.
"It's hard to get around in our society without owning a car, and most criminals do," the chief observed.
The decision to install cameras was prompted by the case of a well-dressed woman who drove to Tiburon in a Mercedes several times and stole mail from homes in quiet residential neighborhoods as part of a sophisticated identity-theft ring.
Cronin realized that being able to know what cars entered the town around the time of the thefts would have made catching her far easier. She was eventually arrested and convicted, but Cronin said, "That was sort of a catalyst for me."
Many communities have license-plate cameras, which can catch speeders and stolen vehicles. Such was the case last week in Washington, D.C., when police were investigating the apparent murder of an American University professor. They caught up with her stolen Jeep through a license-plate camera, according to The Washington Post.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
With voter fraud rampart, look for upsets on November 2
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
With voter fraud rampart, look for upsets on November 2
Back in the early 1990's, I was the first businessman to be brought into a company of engineers. This owner, who gave me a percentage of his company to help him bring it forward, had an idea--the use of smart cards to encrypt and store data securely. He had invented a smart card reader and integrated encryption technology with the smart card. I helped identify the internet as one of the main uses for this technology and it wasn't long before high level security agencies as well as large Fortune 100 companies were using the technology to protect their computer data from internet hackers and espionage. Smart cards are a great way to identify a person, authenticate him, and provide secure access to data.
The only problem with using smart cards is that the programmers or the people in charge of administering how the smart cards are used must be trustworthy. In the technology business, one might refer to this as a single point of failure. And the single point of failure in voting machines and the use of smart cards to identify voters is those who program the cards and the machines. For something as simple as a data transaction over the internet, this type of security might work well as we have seen with billions of dollars in online transactions. But for counting one person, one vote, this type of security is suspect because of the politics of the programmer or administrator.
Stealing elections has been commonplace since we have been having them. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." There are many of both in the political business. And when the power base of a nation like the United States is on the line, these evildoers will do whatever evil they can to make sure they get the power. Such is the case with electronic voter machines. For example, Clark County, Nevada. The Washington Examiner reports that 75% of Nevada's residents live in Clark County. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son Rory is a country commissioner and gubernatorial candidate from there.
In early voting the machines are automatically checking Harry's name. The voting machine technicians are members of the very left leaning, Service Employees International Union. SEIU gave $500,000 to the group opposing Reid's opponent. A voter in North Carolina pulled a straight Republican ticket, but the machine selected all Democrats--nine times before it got it right. The Craven County, NC election board said it was aware of "isolated issues" and that eventually voters are able to cast their ballots correctly. When politicians try to convince you that there is something better than paper ballots, deception is around the corner. There will be upsets November 2. And many will be upset.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
With voter fraud rampart, look for upsets on November 2
Back in the early 1990's, I was the first businessman to be brought into a company of engineers. This owner, who gave me a percentage of his company to help him bring it forward, had an idea--the use of smart cards to encrypt and store data securely. He had invented a smart card reader and integrated encryption technology with the smart card. I helped identify the internet as one of the main uses for this technology and it wasn't long before high level security agencies as well as large Fortune 100 companies were using the technology to protect their computer data from internet hackers and espionage. Smart cards are a great way to identify a person, authenticate him, and provide secure access to data.
The only problem with using smart cards is that the programmers or the people in charge of administering how the smart cards are used must be trustworthy. In the technology business, one might refer to this as a single point of failure. And the single point of failure in voting machines and the use of smart cards to identify voters is those who program the cards and the machines. For something as simple as a data transaction over the internet, this type of security might work well as we have seen with billions of dollars in online transactions. But for counting one person, one vote, this type of security is suspect because of the politics of the programmer or administrator.
Stealing elections has been commonplace since we have been having them. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." There are many of both in the political business. And when the power base of a nation like the United States is on the line, these evildoers will do whatever evil they can to make sure they get the power. Such is the case with electronic voter machines. For example, Clark County, Nevada. The Washington Examiner reports that 75% of Nevada's residents live in Clark County. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son Rory is a country commissioner and gubernatorial candidate from there.
In early voting the machines are automatically checking Harry's name. The voting machine technicians are members of the very left leaning, Service Employees International Union. SEIU gave $500,000 to the group opposing Reid's opponent. A voter in North Carolina pulled a straight Republican ticket, but the machine selected all Democrats--nine times before it got it right. The Craven County, NC election board said it was aware of "isolated issues" and that eventually voters are able to cast their ballots correctly. When politicians try to convince you that there is something better than paper ballots, deception is around the corner. There will be upsets November 2. And many will be upset.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, October 25, 2010
Did the president send a message to Islam supporting Sharia-mandated Jihad?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Did the president send a message to Islam supporting Sharia-mandated Jihad?
In his June 4, 2009 speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University, the man who occupies the Oval Office told a lot of half truths and no truths in an address designed to set America right with Islam. The Daily Jot has reported on this speech and its content several times. The speech was historical in that it is the first time an American President actually reached out in an effort to placate a terrorist culture. He did so by trying to make the case that Islam is a tolerant religion that respects human rights, has led the world in technology advancements, and by even taking out of context remarks of an American president and using them to indicate American support for Islam, when in fact, he was declaring the opposite.
Further analysis of the speech has left many with the impression that the president was sending an encoded message to Muslims around the world about their ability to practice their so-called "religion" as they see fit. The obvious expressions were made when he said, "Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways in which we protect it. For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation." But then, there is the code. The president went on to say, "That's why I'm committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat."
The code word here is "zakat." According to several interpretations by Islamic scholars, "zakat" is defined as "A certain fixed proportion of the wealth of a Muslim obligated to be paid yearly as one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is the major economic means for establishing social justice and leading the Muslim society to prosperity and security." These sources say there are eight categories of people who receive zakat: the destitute, those who cannot work, those appointed to collect zakat, Islamic converts, an Islamist wishing to free himself from slavery, one who is in debt to meet basic needs, one who is stranded in travel, and one who conducts "Fisabillillah"--one who fights for the cause of allah.
The expert on the linguistic and legal use of the word "Jihad," Cairo University educated Islamic scholar Abdullah Yusuf Azzam states that in Sharia law, the word Fisabillillah is a qualifier for the word "Jihad." Together they mean "sacrificial striving in fighting the infidels." The American president on June 4, 2009 assured Islamists at the bedrock of their fundamentalist teachings that America will ensure that Muslims can fulfill zakat. In this context, the president was speaking of mandatory charitable giving that included Jihad. While there are many meanings to Islamic words and doctrines, this one is clear to anyone who cares to research it. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Did the president send a message to Islam supporting Sharia-mandated Jihad?
In his June 4, 2009 speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University, the man who occupies the Oval Office told a lot of half truths and no truths in an address designed to set America right with Islam. The Daily Jot has reported on this speech and its content several times. The speech was historical in that it is the first time an American President actually reached out in an effort to placate a terrorist culture. He did so by trying to make the case that Islam is a tolerant religion that respects human rights, has led the world in technology advancements, and by even taking out of context remarks of an American president and using them to indicate American support for Islam, when in fact, he was declaring the opposite.
Further analysis of the speech has left many with the impression that the president was sending an encoded message to Muslims around the world about their ability to practice their so-called "religion" as they see fit. The obvious expressions were made when he said, "Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways in which we protect it. For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation." But then, there is the code. The president went on to say, "That's why I'm committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat."
The code word here is "zakat." According to several interpretations by Islamic scholars, "zakat" is defined as "A certain fixed proportion of the wealth of a Muslim obligated to be paid yearly as one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is the major economic means for establishing social justice and leading the Muslim society to prosperity and security." These sources say there are eight categories of people who receive zakat: the destitute, those who cannot work, those appointed to collect zakat, Islamic converts, an Islamist wishing to free himself from slavery, one who is in debt to meet basic needs, one who is stranded in travel, and one who conducts "Fisabillillah"--one who fights for the cause of allah.
The expert on the linguistic and legal use of the word "Jihad," Cairo University educated Islamic scholar Abdullah Yusuf Azzam states that in Sharia law, the word Fisabillillah is a qualifier for the word "Jihad." Together they mean "sacrificial striving in fighting the infidels." The American president on June 4, 2009 assured Islamists at the bedrock of their fundamentalist teachings that America will ensure that Muslims can fulfill zakat. In this context, the president was speaking of mandatory charitable giving that included Jihad. While there are many meanings to Islamic words and doctrines, this one is clear to anyone who cares to research it. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Monday, October 18, 2010
End Times Prophecy--Watching Israel, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon
After the game
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, October 18, 2010
End Times Prophecy--Watching Israel, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon
News events of late point to an acceleration toward end time prophecies. For example, there have been many, many stories about major nations seeking a global currency. There have been steps taken by the largest nations to coordinate their economies during this recent economic collapse. The United Nations has continued to advocate global governance and even documents presented by the United States government are calling for more and more global governance. As we see technology advance and more economic calamity, there is an acceleration toward that Revelation 13:17, "That no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Indeed, we know that there will be wars and rumors of wars as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24. We also know that unlike any time since the crucifixion of Christ, the Jewish nation of Israel has been reestablished and is entering its 62 year, closer each day to the day of the Lord as described in Matthew 24 and the Matthew 24:32-34 parable of the fig tree where Christ says, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
As we look at certain news stories of the day, the prophesy of Isaiah 17:1 comes to mind: "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported October 8 that Google Earth photographs show extensive construction of several military bases throughout Syria and long range Scud missiles located about 20 miles northeast of Damascus. According to the report, the Iranian-backed Hezbullah terrorist group is in charge of the bases and the missiles. Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad boosted Hezbullah with a two-day tour of Lebanon's border region with Israel.
Ahmadinejad again threatened the existence of Israel, saying, "Pay attention. This hollow Zionism feels it has reached a dead end, and may stage new treacherous acts to rescue its existence and to create opportunities for itself. I announce here and now that any new treacherous act will merely shorten this fabricated regime's disgraceful life.'' Persia, modern day Iran, is one of the nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy of the Gog/Magog war where God destroys the enemies of Israel in a colossal end time battle. Iran is currently making a large play in the Middle East in unifying Turkey (once thought to be an ally of Israel), Syria, and Lebanon against Israel. The prophesy clock is moving forward.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Monday, October 18, 2010
End Times Prophecy--Watching Israel, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon
News events of late point to an acceleration toward end time prophecies. For example, there have been many, many stories about major nations seeking a global currency. There have been steps taken by the largest nations to coordinate their economies during this recent economic collapse. The United Nations has continued to advocate global governance and even documents presented by the United States government are calling for more and more global governance. As we see technology advance and more economic calamity, there is an acceleration toward that Revelation 13:17, "That no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Indeed, we know that there will be wars and rumors of wars as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24. We also know that unlike any time since the crucifixion of Christ, the Jewish nation of Israel has been reestablished and is entering its 62 year, closer each day to the day of the Lord as described in Matthew 24 and the Matthew 24:32-34 parable of the fig tree where Christ says, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
As we look at certain news stories of the day, the prophesy of Isaiah 17:1 comes to mind: "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported October 8 that Google Earth photographs show extensive construction of several military bases throughout Syria and long range Scud missiles located about 20 miles northeast of Damascus. According to the report, the Iranian-backed Hezbullah terrorist group is in charge of the bases and the missiles. Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad boosted Hezbullah with a two-day tour of Lebanon's border region with Israel.
Ahmadinejad again threatened the existence of Israel, saying, "Pay attention. This hollow Zionism feels it has reached a dead end, and may stage new treacherous acts to rescue its existence and to create opportunities for itself. I announce here and now that any new treacherous act will merely shorten this fabricated regime's disgraceful life.'' Persia, modern day Iran, is one of the nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy of the Gog/Magog war where God destroys the enemies of Israel in a colossal end time battle. Iran is currently making a large play in the Middle East in unifying Turkey (once thought to be an ally of Israel), Syria, and Lebanon against Israel. The prophesy clock is moving forward.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
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