Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Prophetic Significance of the Kagan Supreme Court Nomination--Separation from God

The least credentialed president of the past 60 years has tagged the least credentialed candidate for a Supreme Court nomination in history. Elena Kagan has no judicial experience; no paper trail on opinions on important issues; has a disdain for the US Military and is passionately on board with the homosexual agenda--that should be enough for any self respecting Christian American to take to the streets in protest. It should be enough for any self respecting American to demand in the strongest possible terms that this president respect the people enough to appoint a Supreme Court justice whose qualifications reflect the values of the American people rather than some romantic view of communist utopia.

While all the media will be hailing Kagan's charismatic and engaging personality, her so-called "moderate" viewpoints and her "clean slate" record, there is one person who has already stood with a firm grasp on the reasoning this man has chosen Kagan. Constitutional Attorney and co-author of the new best seller, "The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build and Imperial Presidency" Ken Klukowski says the man who occupies the Oval Office needs Kagan on his Supreme Court to advance his leftist agenda. Klukowski writes, "... make no mistake: Elena Kagan is a liberal-a brilliant, young, charismatic liberal-and [sic] he picked her because he needs her on the Court."

Klukowski says that the man in the White House "needs a Supreme Court that will rule that the Constitution allows the federal government to impose [sic] socialized health care's individual mandate, ordering Americans how they must spend their own money. He needs a Supreme Court that will allow him to impose job-killing cap-and-trade and card-check rules through executive action, instead of legislation. He needs a Supreme Court that says you have a right to same-sex marriage-which the Constitution does not mention-but that you do not have a right to own a gun-which the Constitution explicitly mentions in the Second Amendment."

Klukowski says that much of the White House agenda is unconstitutional and that "It cannot survive unless he creates a Supreme Court in his own image, with justices who share his vision." The Bible in many places calls the Lord God the "habitation of justice." It is in God's law that America's Constitution was birthed. Without God's tenets of justice etched upon the hearts of those who would judge, the laws by which we live become dynamic, constantly changing to fit social values. Under this White House and its appointment, the situation in Isaiah 59:14 may come to pass: "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." We are separated from God.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

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