Friday, September 3, 2010

Peace, Peace when there is no peace

After the game
The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Peace, Peace when there is no peace

Hurricane Earl is wrecking havoc on the East Coast of the United States. It is no mere coincidence that this is occurring at the very same time the White House is trying to force Israel back into peace talks with terrorists who vow in Arabic to destroy Israel and teach their children to hate Jews, but put suits and ties on for the American public and try to play the victim of warmongering Israelis. Does anyone recall that Katrina hit New Orleans about the same time the Bush Administration was trying to force Israel to give up land for peace? These so-called natural catastrophes occur nearly every time America tries to force Israel into giving up something to the terrorists for peace.

This round of Washington, DC peace talks certainly looks one sided. The Administration has featured discussions with the President of Egypt, the King of Jordan and the loosely elected president-in-name-only of the Palestinians-in-name-only Mahmoud Abbas. The man who occupies the Oval Office appears to believe that by featuring the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, and the Bush Administration's propped up version of moderate terrorist Palestine that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will get the picture that he needs to give up Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to the Arab terrorists to secure a lasting peace.

Isn't is a strategy of satan himself to use Israel's only modern ally to pressure it into giving up the traditional Biblical lands of the Israelites to those who were prophesied by an angel of the LORD in Genesis whose "hand will be against every man"? Couple this with a truly peace loving people and it becomes a real paradox. I know from my visit to Israel and extensive discussions prior and since with Israelis, that they want peace above all else. They want their children to grow up without the threat of a terrorist killing them because they are Jews. And many in Israel are willing to do most anything to have this peace. They are willing, to an extent, to give up their land, if only the threat of terrorism would subside.

Those who have studied Islam and know the doctrine of this warlord political system masquerading as a religion know that peace is never possible without complete submission. Thus, the Biblical prophecies of the Gog/Magog war, Damascus being destroyed, the anti-christ, Revelation and more. A friend of mine told me that the Holy Spirit gave him a simple prayer that everyone should know. It goes like this: Lord Jesus, may we bless Abba's Holy City Jerusalem, His people Israel, and Abba's Holy Mountain, Mt Zion. This is not unlike Psalm 122:6, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." Do we need a reminder of a hurricane or the discernment of evil to exhort us to do the will of God?

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

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