Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian revolution has deep prophetic implications

After the game
The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian revolution has deep prophetic implications

The man who stalled the world for nearly a decade from taking action against Iran's nuclear program, former United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mahmoud El Baradei is leading the riots to overthrow the government of Egypt. He is supported by the banned terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood, who has instigated much of the unrest and is willing to work with El Baradei in forming a new government. Additionally, El Baradei is receiving political support from Iran where its state media is characterizing the uprising as a populist movement against Egypt's alliance with the United States and its peace with Israel. Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei said last year that he wants an Islamic government in Egypt.

El Baradei's true colors are being masked by the news media, which is portraying him and others supporting the Egyptian unrest as a move toward the utopian goal of "democracy' in the Middle East. This unrest, however, could well be part of a centralized plan schemed by terrorists in Iran--one that has supported the fall of Lebanon into the hands of Hizbollah, the Tunisian unrest, the shift in Turkey toward stronger Islamist government, the unrest in Pakistan, and the hard line in the latest democracy of the Middle East--Iraq, where its Islamist Constitution is allowing the crackdown on Christians. The world may well be witnessing a wide-sweeping Islamic revolution that will change the face of the earth for the end times.

Egypt is the subject of much of the Lord's interaction with the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and even Daniel. There are 558 verses in the Bible mentioning Egypt. Many of them discuss the plight of the Israelites coming out of Egyptian slavery. And there are dire warnings to those Israelites that seek to return to Egypt. Daniel Chapter 11 speaks of the four kings of Persia--modern day Iran--and one of them, the King of the North after much struggle shall overcome the King of the South. From these battles will arise a powerful king as Daniel 11:37 says, "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."

Irrespective of who the theologians of this day identify as this king, the kings of the north and the south will come against him "at the time of the end." Verse 42 says, "He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape." The unrest in Egypt at the same time as that in Lebanon, Tunisia, Pakistan, Yeman, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Jordan has end time implications. The King of Persia, which today is the Ayatollah in Iran, is making a move. The prophetic change that appears to be occurring is that the world's harshest enemy of Israel, which is Islam, is rising up and even the United States, Israel's ally, is supporting this movement, which is far deeper than the 1979 Iranian revolution...To Be Continued...

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

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