Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Answer to the Islamic Challenge in Ghana

The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Answer to the Islamic Challenge in Ghana

There have been a lot of teachings about exactly what Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 5:39, "...but whosever smite thee on they right cheek, turn to him the other also." After seeing how some very dear Christian brothers and sisters witness to Muslims in Ghana, I believe one of the meanings could be that when people show you contempt and ill will, that you do not repay evil for evil, but rather kindness will touch their hearts more than any other thing. Let's face it, everything for which Islam stands is the antithesis of the Bible, and the Islamic theology is to do Jews and Christians harm, and they do it well.

After interviewing several Ghanians who have success witnessing to Muslims, and watching some of them in action, I conclude that showing Muslims love and creating one on one relationships results in Islamic conversions to Christ. Large evangelical "crusades" don't work. All say that it starts with a gift--some money, some food, some clothing--to show that you care. The next step is a discussion about who Jesus is. The Muslims know Jesus, but from a position of great disinformation. A frank, but loving, discussion of who Jesus is, how he died for our sins, and the salvation gift gets them thinking.

This is why our approach in Ghana attacks the Islamic Challenge in Ghana from a four pronged strategy. First, we are training up pastors to plant house churches in the rural areas. Through house churches, relationships can be created and grown over small group teachings, meals, and fellowships. Second, we want to focus on children. If we follow the Proverb that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it, then if we are able to school and educate children from a Christian worldview, we will will souls as well as make disciples for generations to come.

Third, our home churches cannot grow into large building-centered fortresses. They must utilize their resources to reach out to others through feeding and clothing programs, creating relationships. And fourth, we want to promote entrepreneurship that can eventually provide housing, jobs, food and essentials. Currently, we are in start up. Our needs include sponsorships of those ministers and evangelists in training, sponsorships of children for our mission schools in development, and donations that help us establish our infrastructure. Already, we have three such churches, and a fourth in the making. And we are conducting feeding programs. The love of Christ is a powerful tool!

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!

Bill Wilson

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