Thursday, September 15, 2011

US support of Sharia accelerates prophetic outlook

The Prophetic Land
The Daily Jot


Thursday, September 15, 2011

US support of Sharia accelerates prophetic outlook

After months of promoting the "Arab Spring" US-supported rebellions in Egypt and Libya as a call for self determination and democracy, the mainstream news media is finally catching up to what those of us in the "sane"-stream media have been saying all along--these rebellions replace dictatorships with a radical brand of Islamic Sharia. The US president has forced the American military and his diplomatic corps to support terrorist sponsoring- and terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda in overthrowing governments in the Middle East. As reality of the aftermath sets in, the star-crossed liberals who romanticize about grass roots revolutions are finding out the hard facts of their folly.

The darling of the leftist media, The Washington Post, revealed as if it were news on September 12 that Islamists are emerging in force in "new Libya." Still holding on to its romanticism over the thought of democracy in Islam, the Post maintained that The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), whose leadership won the day in the rebellion, is "not al Qaeda." Irrespective, on November 3, 2007, Al Jazeera reported, and the State Department confirmed, that LIFG became the Libyan wing of al Qaeda. It was big news at the time, swept under the rug when this Administration decided to spread Sharia in the name of democracy. The leader of the LIFG even hid behind a name change during the fighting in Libya.

The Post reports further: "Islamists led by the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of secularists' absence from the eastern city of Benghazi to win passage of a revised provision that made Islamic law the principal law of the land, said a council member involved in the process." Al Jazeera, reported on September 13 that, "Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council, has a message for Libyans: Fear not, Sharia law is on the way." Jali said in a speech, "We are seeking to establish a state government by law and welfare--and Sharia, Islamic Law, should be the main source of law." Indeed, the current draft of Libya's new constitution sets forth that the nation will be ruled by Sharia.

Already in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has tightened its grip to spread Sharia, and has created new relationships with Hamas and Hezbollah. The US president was instrumental in the overthrow of Egypt and it falling into the hands of the previously banned Muslim Brotherhood. These moves by the US have great prophetic significance. These new policies have long term impact, so much so, that many Biblical prophecies could be fulfilled with the turn of an event. Many have warned of the consequences of supporting evil. 2 Chronicles 36:16 says, "But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy."

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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