Friday, May 6, 2011

Which story do you believe?--bin Laden accountability

The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Which story do you believe?--bin Laden accountability

There are so many stories out there about the killing of Osama bin Laden that it is difficult to know what to believe. First, the story that there was a 40 minute firefight with bin Laden's protectors putting up resistance and bin Laden hiding behind one of his wives to keep from getting shot. Then there was the story that there was no resistance and that he didn't hide behind his wife, but rather another woman. Then there was the story that there was no resistance except for several women who were getting in the way of the SEALS when they were searching the compound for bin Laden. And now the story that only one guy had a gun and resisted.

To a casual observer, a conclusion could be made that events were happening so fast and furious once the SEALS entered the compound that stories from different viewpoints abound. All these things could have happened. But the strangeness comes in when these are elements of the story that have been released a day at a time since the White House announcement that bin Laden had been assassinated. And the stories are coming from the same source: the White House and its Administration. And since the event, there have been repeated stories about photos being released and photos bought by news agencies, but the White House has refused to date to release the ones they have.

On May 2, there was a photo released by the White House that shows the president along with 14 members of his staff watching the SEAL Team 6 attack on the bin Laden compound. One can see the intensity in their eyes in the anxious moment that the photo was taken. The president is leaning forward eyes intent on the screen. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's right hand is covering her mouth as her eyes are focused on the drama. Vice President Joe Biden's head is tilted and his facial expression tense. Others are standing with arms crossed or nearly at attention as they watch the drama unfold. How then, if these people were watching this event first hand, are there so many variations of stories?

Most likely bin Laden is dead. The details of how and when he was killed are obscured from the public unless the public chooses to believe the White House story. But which story should the public believe? There are as many stories as there are days since the alleged killing. At a time when the American public has been subjected to a doctrine found in the warning of 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived," knowing what to believe is almost impossible. The truth appears to be a rolling target. The deeper problem is that our elected officials are making virtually no effort to hold this White House accountable. Will "We the People" do so?

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!

Bill Wilson

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